26 - The Cheater

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And she will miss Zack. Even though he's a lying and cheating bastard, she will miss his expert love-making. She wondered if she could ever find anyone as good as Zack in bed. The thought made her slightly depressed.

But now it's time to move on. Again.

Time for a big change.

She took one last big breath of the night air before heading back inside. She undressed completely and then went to bed. 


"The audacity of that bastard!" Ethan exclaimed, causing a few heads to turn and frown at them in the little cafe.

Alex chuckled. She had just told him about Zack. "Yeah, tell me about it," she said and sighed, "What a loss."

Ethan's eyes widened. "Please tell me you don't feel sorry about a loser like Zack?"

Alex exhaled deeply and said, "If only you knew what he could do with his fingers, his tongue, and his tool..."

"Yeah, okay, I don't need the full details," Ethan said quickly. Then he added, "Maybe later, but not here!"

Alex chuckled and said. "It's not just him. I'm gonna miss the apartment," Alex said to him, "Do you know how long it took me to get the place just perfect?"

"So why not kick him out?"

"I will," Alex said, "But I'm letting go of the place. He has defiled it."

Ethan nodded. "Good move. End the lease, kick the bastard to the curb."

"Not really the curb, his apartment will be ready soon. But yeah, to hell with that guy," Alex said and they clicked glasses.

"So have you found a new place?"

"I'm still looking," Alex said. "And I'm moving out of the city."

"What?" Ethan exclaimed and caused people to stare at him again.

Alex chuckled. "I'm not moving out of New York. I just want a new environment, you know? More trees, maybe."

"So find a place near Central Park!" Ethan suggested.

Alex sighed. "I need a change of pace too." She noticed Ethan looking worried and she reached out to take his hand. She squeezed it and convinced him, "I'll come into the city all the time. You won't miss me."

Ethan grunted and said, "You'd better. I'm not going out to Long Island to see you."

Alex laughed. "I'm not moving to Long Island. Only old people lives there."

"So where are you moving to?"

Alex grinned and said, "Great Neck."


Alex spent 2 weeks looking for the right apartment. The places that the agent found for her just didn't make the cut. They were too modern.

Then finally, after Alex almost gave up, she got a call from her real estate agent, Alice, saying that she has found the perfect place. 

So Alex decided to give her one last chance and agreed to meet up at the place.

Alex was skeptical when she saw the building, but she liked the area. 

The moment she stepped inside, she knew she has found her new home.

The loft was tastefully decorated with modern industrial theme. On the main floor, there was a large sectional sofa in the living room facing the open kitchen, a proper dining area, and a workout area. Above the dining area was the bedroom, with a little garden and skylights. The place was bright and cheerful. It reminded Alex of the Raj's loft.

"So, what do you think?" Alice asked her excitedly.

Alex exhaled happily and said to her, "I'll take it."


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