"I'm good." His eyes search mine for deceit. "Dimitri other then a little bit of discomfort I'm okay. The pain medication is doing its job."

"Too bad I didn't do mine," he mutters changing his attention to watching the outside pass us by.

"What did you say?" I ask wanting to make sure I had heard him correctly.

He exhales loudly then speaks without removing his eyes from the window. "I fucked up. My job is to make sure you are safe." He shift his anguish filled eyes to me. "And because I allowed my jealously and insecurities to rule me I almost lost you. I'm not just talking about how you almost went home. Skylar that psychopath could have killed you if we hadn't of gotten there when we did." He looks away and sniffles. Removing his hand from mine he wipes at the moisture in his eyes.

I lift my hand to caress his face and he turns into my touch. His blue eyes sparkle with unshed tears. "Dimitri," I say softly, "but you did. You did," I remind him shaking has head gently wanting to make sure my point got across.

"But what if we didn't," he says sounding desolate and tightening his hold of me.

"Dimitri stop. Don't do this to yourself. You can't live in the world of what ifs otherwise you will lose your mind." I need to get through to him or he is going to slip deeper down the rabbit hole. An idea comes to me. I pick up his hand and place it on my heart. "Can you feel my heart beating?" He nods his head yes. "I'm alive because you and Tray were there when you needed to be." Dimitri curls his hand against my chest pulling me closer to him. 

He goes to speak and I cut him off, "no. All that matter is you were there when I needed you the most. Sure if we hadn't of gotten into a fight I wouldn't have went for a walk. But I wouldn't have met Lea." Then I remember I never texted her. "Shoot I need to text her." I check my pockets and discover I still have her number.

"Who's Lea?" Dimitri asks.

"The bartender I friended at the bar I went to. But I digress. Back to what I was talking about. Like I was saying if I hadn't have went for a walk I never would have met Lea. And maybe Bruce would still have attacked another innocent women, but by him attacking me he is off the streets and the world is a little safer."

His expression tells me he still not buying what I'm telling him. I want to shake him so badly, but instead I pull his face so I can stare directly into his eyes. "Dimitri. You're right you weren't there initially to prevent the assault, but you were there to halt it. And you were able to get me the help I needed."

He nods his head and I can tell my words are sinking in his thick skull because he loosens his grip around me. Dimitri says nothing more and slips into his thoughts once again. Hopefully he's done blaming himself. I don't need to lay any blame at his feet because he's doing so himself.

Frank stops at the nearest drug store to pick up my prescription. The hospital, at Aubree's direction, had called earlier so it would be ready when we went to pick it up. At first Dimitri had wanted to go in and get it, but one look from Frank and he relented. I was glad he didn't go because I had just finally gotten comfortable. Frank wasn't in their long and when he came back out he was carrying more than my prescription.

"I got you some of your favorite snacks and drinks," Frank told my gruffy when he entered the car and placed his purchases on the seat next to him.

"Thank you Frank that was really sweet of you," I tell him with a smile of thanks.

"Welcome," he mutters with a slight blush to his cheeks. Did I embarrass Frank? I fight back my laughter not wanting to draw attention to him and make him feel uncomfortable.

My Best Friend the Rockstar (Book 1 Steel Wolf Collection)Where stories live. Discover now