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Diego P.O.V

One day I was walking with Shira. I knew one day we have to tell the king the truth. Shira loves to train with me.

One night something happened. I was guarding her door then I shot in my neck like some type of poison.

I yelled in pain then I saw some soldiers were coming at me. I took out my sword. I began to fight them. But the poison is taking affect.

I began to get weaker and less stable. Until I fell to the ground unconscious. I saw Shira was getting kidnapped.

Shira was echoing my name. I wanting to get up, but I can't. I felt like I died. Then saw our soldiers trying to help me up.

But I was paralyzed then I brought to the medical room. After a few days I was being tormented by the voice of Shira yelling for help. I was in delusions.

Once I got back to normal. I saw the king furious at me.

I asked, "What wrong?"

The king grabbed me and started choking me.

"You! Let me daughter kidnap! It is your responsibility to protect her! Also I heard that you are with Shira!"

I couldn't do much just watching the king kill me. Then I knocked the king out. I started to escape from the city. I went to grab my dad's armor and sword and leave as fast as possible before they can catch me.

I had to find Shira as I was running away. I knew Shira would need help. After a few days I had no food or water.

I began to think would I ever find Shira. Would I come out alive? Luckily I found something to stay alive.

I felt tired and hungry. I felt I was losing hope. Why this has to happen. I lost my dad and I'm going lose the saber I love.

Then I stumbled upon a large city. I began to analyze it. By far the in the horizon I saw Shira was in cage.

I have to get Shira out before it too late.

I hope you enjoyed the chapter. See you all next time! Go fast cheetah!

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