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Diego P.O.V

Years has passed. I became on the best soldiers in the army. I was full grown saber. Shira and I were quite good friends, but don't see each other after a long time. Since Shira have a place to train in the palace

I wouldn't talk much, but I try to be happy. I would of date many girls, but I rather stay away from relationships. Many of my group has a girlfriend.

Many would ask me why I don't have a girlfriend. I would always respond that I'm not to it.

The day of ceremony came many became generals, captains, very few are chosen by the king. One day I was in arena training with others. I can deal many people in one time.

My trainer called, "Diego come here!"

I went to my trainer and spoke, "Yeah? What is it?"

"Congratulations you chosen by the king."

I never thought that I be chosen by the king. Which it will be my first time in palace.

The day came to meet the king. For the second time. After many years I don't know he remembers me. Not to mention I'll be able to see Shira. I began to wonder how Shira looks like.

When we entered the palace. It was large. Once we entered the hall of throne. I walked with few others to look at the king. We had our helmets off.

Many of nobles were looking at me for some reason. We showed respect to the king. Then I saw Shira next to the king and Soto on his left side.

The king started asking our names.

When it came to me the king asked, "What is your name?"

I responded, "My name is Diego my king son of friend of yours."

"A friend? Ha! I don't remember anybody that been my friend. Do you general?"

The general responded, "Not what I think of."

Then everybody bursting in laughing even the servants. I didn't smile or show humiliation.

The king spoke as he was catching his breath, "You are funny plus you look serious. Doesn't make sense."

I kept my mouth shut and waited.

Shira spoke while laughing, "Father I could not believe that Diego is that funny like he belongs comedian."

Everyone was still laughing hard. I bet Shira, Soto, and the king doesn't remember me. Which I felt bad but doesn't matter.

The king spoke, "Diego I heard you are great fighter. I wanted to know is it true."

I responded, "Ask my trainer and others who were trained with me."

"Okay since you sound serious. General go make a duel with Diego. To see is Diego is actually true fighter."

The general spoke, "My pleasure I'll make him feel the pain."

I got myself ready for the duel. The duel began. I began fighting it was hard. Then general kicked me on the ground and had his blade on my neck.

The king chuckled and spoke, "Doesn't seem like it you are good fighter. You will be not a royal guard. Kick him out."

I began to walk away I lost the chance being a royal guard. I got demoted as the weakest soldiers, but still have hope to show them who I really am.

I went back home and my mom was making dinner. I told my mom what happened. My mom doesn't seem to care because she was heart broken.

When I went back to training. I was told to train little kids. This got worse I began to teach the kids how to fight.

The kids likes me when there are free time. I would tell them stories what my dad taught me when I was little. At least  I'm okay for now.

I hope you enjoyed the chapter. See you all next time! Go fast cheetah!

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