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Diego P.O.V

I was in the training arena for the first time. Most of the time I think of my dad. When I was able to get free time. I would continue training without rest with a dummy. I know if train hard enough my train will pay off.

When we get free time. Most of them would get something for fun. I would be alone in the arena training alone while others were watching me.

On the other side of the arena something got my attention while training. It was Shira was also training, but also Soto.

It seems they been great friends. I began to think that Shira has a crush on Soto. I wouldn't let my thoughts take over me. I know I have a fate that lies on my path.

I stopped looking at them. I wasn't like the homeless kid anymore. Thanks to the king had compassion for us. We able to get new clothes. I may look totally different but same personally.

After a while of training while everyone was out to eat. I heard like Shira's voice in the distance. I ignore it probably talking to someone.

Then I felt someone touched my shoulder. I look behind me it was Shira.

Shira asked, "Are you new here?"

I'll pretend that I didn't know her despite knowing her name.

I answered, "Yes I'm new your highness."

"Well I saw you training alone while the others are out."

"Oh. I would rather train. Is that your boyfriend over there."

Shira turns around and sees Soto.

Shira responded, "No, we are great friends. His name is Soto. I wished. What's your name?"

I actually never told her my name. Shira doesn't recognize me with my new look.

I responded, "My name is Diego."

She spoke, "Cool name. My name is Shira."

I asked, "Does Soto train with you?"

"Yeah, but I had to beg to him to come with me. He isn't like a soldier but good saber. I come here everyday. "

"Oh, don't mind me I have to get back to training."


I continued training alone. I knew Soto doesn't like boys talking to Shira. As I was training everyone was gone. I felt that someone was watching me.

I decided to take a break. As I went to get my food I was eating alone. I began to think about life. I might not get glory or honor the only thing I wanted is to be happy.

My dad would think about the same way. My dad would be proud of me. After the day I began to walk home, but I continued thinking about someone is watching me. I knew it can't be my dad because he died.

Then someone touched me I turned around fast knocked the person out. I realized it was Shira.

I spoke worriedly helping her up, "Are you okay your highness? I didn't meant to knock you out."

Shira looks at me luckily no bruises or injuries. Shira get up and spoke.

"I'm fine at least you didn't hurt me that bad, but nice move."

I asked, "Why are you here alone you can be kidnapped?"

Shira didn't respond to my question. Shira grabbed my arm and started twisting it. It started to hurt.

Shira spoke, "Do you think I'm weak?! Like a little girl?!"

I responded,"No you can be a target. Please let my arm go it hurts."

"So? It hurts?"

Shira began to twist more wanting to break my arm. I began to use my strength get my posture back.

I asked, "Answer the question. Why are you here alone?"

Shira sighs and responded, "Well you look quite familiar to someone."

"Oh. You have to go back to the palace before your get in trouble. I have to head back home."

Then Shira left walking back to her palace. After first day of training wasn't that bad.

I hope you enjoyed the chapter. See you all next time! Go fast cheetah!

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