An Unexpected Return

Start from the beginning

I exhale, seeing the world go black for the third time in the past two months.

"Please be okay, please be okay, please be okay" My eyes open but the slightest. I feel my body shift up and down in a pair of arms. My whole body feels as if it's weightless. The arms feel familiar, and comforting.

I try to speak but the world goes black again.

"She's fine! Just resting is all, I'll have her in bed in no time" Satoru speaks, forcing a laugh as he holds me close.

"D- do you need help? Can I at least come with you?" I hear Yuji say, quietly and shyly.

"It's best if you don't" Satoru says softly, I feel a few people crowd around us.

My eyes shoot open and I look up to my blindfolded cousin. "Gojo sensei" I push myself off his arms and fall on my hands.

"(Y/n)! You shouldn't be walking.. or awake for that matter!" He grabs my shoulders and tries to pick me up again.

"No! You don't understand. I need you all to move!" I say, trying to wave away the crowd of familiar faces.

Satoru stays close, trying not to leave my side, same with Yuji. "For your own safety I'm going to need you to move. Now!" I take a deep breath and hold, waiting for my electric surge.

I don't say anything, but feel the surge. I stay frozen in place and jolt a few times. I keep my eyes shut and tell myself it'll be okay.

I take deep breaths and gently keep my hands at my thighs while I sit on my knees.

Memories of being through constant electrocution begin to play in my head like a movie. I learned the breathing techniques and for concentration on my own. I desperately needed something for the pain, just to get my mind off it and get more calm, since I can't actually relieve the pain.

I finally look up to see multiple people staring. I get up and stretch. "Nothing happened" I say then walking towards Satoru and playing dead.

"See? I'm unconscious!" I say then let go and close my eyes.

"Yep guys, I'm not sure why you guys seem so surprised at some sleeping?" Satoru giggles and runs off, his smile disappears and he looks down at me.

"Are you okay? What was that?" He puts me down and places his hands on my shoulders, removing his blindfold to initiate proper eye contact.

"It happens after using too much of my electricity. Even if it's cursed energy in the end, I still put a ton of electricity to aid my idea on projecting it" I say.

"You're so smart, I wonder who taught you about the Gojo inherited power" He smirks and puts his blindfold back on. "I have complete faith in you..." We begin walking again "It's just you worry me so much! I just get so.. so fearful. Especially when the cameras wouldn't show you" Satoru sighs and looks into the distance.

He leads me to the room I'm staying in and stands at the doorway while I sit in my bed. "Someone's coming to close that wound and then you can go get cleaned up. Okay?" Satoru gives me a soft smile.

"Okay.. Sensei" I smile and watch as he leaves, closing the door behind him.

I sit, slowly zoning out oddly. I just didn't think I needed to keep myself occupied since the lady was coming soon.

A woman walks in, one I've met before. She has long brown hair and tired brown eyes. "Doc, nice to see you again" I force a smile and watch as she slowly walks towards me with a small suitcase at hand.

"Mhm" She places her things on the bed, beside my feet. "Lay down" She says as she goes through her things. "Wait.. no" She waves me to get back up and I do so. "Take off your uniform, I'm an idiot" She says as she continues to keep her eyes on her things.

I nod, quickly doing everything and soon laying down.

She gently removes the shirt I used to stop the bleeding "Well done, if you didn't do this you would have most likely died" Leiri says, looking back up at me for a moment.

"It comes with my old job" I chuckle.

"Old job you say?" She gets som rubbing alcohol to clean my wound.

"Yeah, it had to do with assassination.. No, no that's what it was actually" I nervously laugh.

"Seems enjoyable" She shrugs then begins her work.

I watch as the woman simply does her work, the wound reopens, as if I were playing back a film. "It healed this much? Within a few hours?" Her gloomy eyes widen, but still focusing on the healing.

"Yeah.. heh" I lean up a bit, holding myself with my forearms on the bed.

"I would have let your body to heal it, but I came all the way here so I might as well... That's impressive" She blankly says, soon fully healing it.

"That too... I wanna learn that" I sigh.

"Your sensei knows it" She begins packing her things.

"I know, he explained" I say, knowing how confusing the technique can be.

She nods and gets up "I'm going to need you to rest. Don't be like you're boyfriend and get up the moment I'm done...." I stammer, trying to convince her that her assumption was wrong.

"I'll be heading out now" She interrupts, and I wave to her goodbye, sighing in defeat.

I go straight to the showers after she leaves and clean up, because damn I feel filthy.

"What do we even do now?" I look into a structure that's covered in glass. A building really made for show. I look into it and see my reflection, why do I look so... scary?

Find somewhere to get clean, then we can use the money and personal information we stole from the main ward to leave the country.

"O- okay" I begin to mindlessly run, hoping to find a place with a bathroom where I can get clean. I need to get new clothes too. This is gonna be harder that I thought.

I slam into someone's back, due to the fact my minds been jumbled up with the large crowds and large thoughts. "Sorry" I look up to see him smiling.

"What's a pretty girl like you doing all alone?" The man seemed friendly, but placing his hand on my shoulder made me hate it.

I run off, slipping easily from his grasp and merging into heavy crowds of people. I close my eyes as I push through, in hopes not to feel overwhelmed.

A/N: I'm so fucking tired of school guys. Someone come save me. The only thing that's keeping me alive at the moment is anime, more specifically the new episode of JJK coming today eheheh.

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