"What about you? Your feelings." She really doesn't know when to be selfish.

She laughed sarcastically "It's just feelings. They'll go away"

I know she wasn't being true to herself. Who was she fooling?

"So.. How much of your feelings are gone?" I'd rather play with words here.

She looked at me for a moment "None"

I step forward and crouched down in front of her. I took both of her hands in mine . She was watching me whole time.

She didn't pulled her hands back, which was a good sign.

"It doesn't matter Octavia. All I know is that I really like you and you like me. We both have feelings for each other. Why can't you just follow your heart?" I tried to make sense. I still wasn't sure about my feelings but whatever.

She was listening "What about your marriage?"

I wish she didn't ask me that. Anything but that.

Should I tell her about yesterday? How I somehow developed feelings for Ashley.

I didn't have enough feelings for any of them to choose.

I don't even like them as they like me. It's borderline likeness for me.

I stood up "What about Rick?" I almost forgot about her boyfriend.

She shook her head. "It's over between me and him."

"Whoa when?" Then again I didn't know what was happening in her life

"The day you came to ask me for date. I wasn't home so my parents thought it'd be best to enter without permission since my sister had a spare key, they caught Rick with a different woman on couch" she giggled

I laughed at that. I can't believe they walked on him.

"Oh god!" It was hilarious

She was laughing along with me. "Yeah, I was really glad. They won't ask me consistently to marry him now."

I raised an eyebrow, confused.

She noticed my confusion "Rick proposed me." That really shocked me. "That's why my parents came. To convince me to settle down."

That means she said no. Phew.

"I can't believe he even had the balls to propose when he was cheating on you all damn time" I shook my head in disbelief

She nodded " I know, I asked for time to think about it but luckily he got caught by my parents"

I smirked."So, you single huh"

She stood "Alex, you should know when to give up"

I got closer to her, we were now face to face "I feel something for you Octavia. I really want us to try. I want to fall in love" I was looking in her eyes, pouring emotions in my gaze so she could just give in.

Which she did

"Ok, I will but you have to do something about your marriage"

I grinned in victory

I pecked her lips "Sure"

She smiled and put her hands on the back of my neck to pull me closer, just to press her lips on me.

I smiled while kissing her. I feel same as I felt with Ashley.

It was nice. Confusing but nice.

I pulled back and looked at her. She eyes were still closed. I kissed her forehead and pulled her in for hug. She wrapped her arms around me.

Yup. It's the same feeling I had with Ashley.

She pulled back and kissed me again. "You should eat, it's your lunch" I mumbled

"I don't mind" she smiled.

"But you should. I don't want you to miss your lunch" I said as I took a step back. "I've some errands to run, I'll see you later"

She nodded. I pulled out my phone "Give me your number. I don't have it."

"I have yours. I'll text you" she replied

I nodded and said bye. I left and walked in parking lot. I unlocked my car, sat inside it and drove off to Addison's house while texting David to meet me there.

It was bad. Really bad. I was in the mess created my me.

It wasn't supposed to be complicated. I wasn't supposed to go after two people.

It was so weird that I felt same with both of them.

I heard my phone vibrate. I unlocked it and saw David's text telling me that he'll be there in 10.

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