Chapter 22

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9th March (Due Date)

"Hey baby, how are you feeling?"


Eren helped Levi sit up in bed.

"What time is it?"

"9 am"

"Are Erwin and Hange here already?"

"Yeah, they came an hour ago. They are all in Aika's room."

Levi nodded and rested his head against the headboard.

"And now we wait..." Levi stated as he caressed his stomach with his thumb.

Eren sat next to him and wrapped an arm around the boy.



"I'm scared"

"It's ok to be scared my love, it's a major life event. But I'll be by your side the whole time, everything is prepared and ready."

"Thank you"

"It's ok baby"

"You're an amazing dad"

"Thank you my love"

"Can I see the twins?"

"Sure, do you want me to go and get them?"

Levi nodded and Eren gently got out of the bed before making his way to Aika's room. "Aika? Akira? Papa wants to see you. Do you remember what I said to you?"

"Be gentle with papa"

"That's right, so what are you not going to do?"

"Run, shout or jump on the bed."

"Good, go see him then"

The twins calmly walked out and went to go see their papa.

"How is he?" Hange asked.

"Tired, nothings started yet so all we can do is wait."

They headed into the bedroom and saw the twins sat on either side of him. Both of their heads resting over his bump. Eren sat on the bed facing them, Levi saw him and smiled before turning to Erwin and Hange.

"Thank you for coming guys, but I'm afraid nothing has started yet."

"That's ok, don't worry."

It's a weekend so the twins were at home, but because it's Levi's due date they may have to leave to go to the hospital at any moment so Erwin and Hange are there to take care of them to take some pressure off of Eren as he worries about Levi.

"I think he's going to be a night baby"
"Why do you think that love?"

Levi shrugged and turned back to the twins. "Why don't you go play with Auntie Hange and Uncle Erwin? I'm sure that Mari can set up a movie for you in the cinema room."

"Can we have popcorn?"

"Sure, go ask Adrien ok?"

The twins nodded and left with Erwin and Hange.

"Eren, can you help me get up?"


Eren ran around to the side of the bed and helped him get up. Once up Levi waddled out and walked up and down the hallway with his hands resting on his back.

"What are you doing love?"

"Apparently, walking is meant to help induce labour"

Eren nodded and leaned against the wall as he watched his boyfriend waddle up and down the corridor. Levi had an idea as he walked back to Eren.

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