Chapter 9

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That was the last straw for Levi, he felt like his body was put into a burning fire then chucked off a cliff.

"Baby? Levi listen to me." Levi felt like he was underwater, everything he heard was muffled.

Aika had started crying because of him not responding. Akira was confused and Eren didn't know what to do.

"Baby? Mikasa and Armin are coming over. Can you say something?"


"That's it, you need to eat angel, will you let me feed you the rest of this soup?" He stiffly nodded so Eren got the soup and held it to his mouth.

They carried on like that. Eren picked up Aika and rocked her. "It's ok angel shhhhh, it's ok"


"What's wrong angel?"


"I know sweetie, I'll tell you everything in the morning. Go to sleep."

Eren put her in bed. "Good night baby"

"Night nite daddy"

Eren smiled and kissed her head. Akira came in. "Papa cwying"

"I know buddy, come on it's time for bed."

Eren got him changed and tucked him into bed. "Good night sweetie"

"Night daddy"

He kissed his head and headed downstairs.

"Lev?" The tv was paused and he was staring at a picture of Kuchel on the screen. The door bell went off and even before Eren opened it, Mikasa rushed in and tackled Levi. They cried into each other and Armin just stood next to Eren.

"Where are the twins?"


"Do they know?"

"No, I'm gonna tell them tomorrow. I was more worried with Levi, he wouldn't say anything or react to me."

"I know, that's what happened their dad died"

"You guys can stay in the lounge or the spare rooms next door to the kids"

Eren went into the lounge and turned off the tv. He crouched next to Levi and put his hand on his back. Levi looked to him but didn't say anything. "It's time for bed my love, you need to rest." He nodded but didn't move. "Do you want to sleep in our room with Mikasa?" He nodded and hugged Mikasa closer. "Ok love I'll go get it ready."

He went into the kitchen and got a hot water bottle filling it with water and headed upstairs. He pulled the duvet and put the bottle underneath. He got his and Levi's pyjamas and some spare for Armin and Mika. He grabbed the blankets and some cushions. He took everything downstairs. Eren gave them the pyjamas and they went into the bathrooms to get changed "Baby, here are yours do you need help?"

He shook his head and got changed. Eren got dressed as well and took the siblings to their room. Levi was on his side while Mika was next him where Eren normally sleeps. Levi sat on the edge and Eren knelt down in front of him

"Goodnight baby, I'm in the lounge if you need me ok?"

Levi nodded and hugged him.  They separated and Eren tucked him into bed and gave him the bear. He kissed his lips. "Good night love"

"Night" he whispered.

Eren smiled and headed out shutting the door behind him. "Armin, you can go in the spare room, it's just here"

He gave Armin the spare pyjamas and showed him where the room was before heading downstairs and making his bed on the sofa. .

He only slept for a few hours so he switched on the lamp on the table next to the sofa.

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