Chapter 21

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"Baby? It's time to go"

Levi, very heavily pregnant, waddled into the hallway where Eren was standing waiting. They were on their way to their last doctors appointment before the due date. Eren helped him get on his coat and they made their way to the car. Levi got twice as hormonal and picky about the food he ate. If he wasn't sitting in the lounge watching tv waiting for his family to come home then he was most likely to be napping in his and Eren's shared room or in the bathroom needing to go every 5 minutes. At the moment, his due date was the 9th March but that could change.

Eren helped him get into the car and did his seatbelt before getting into the driver's seat. He held his smaller boyfriends hand as they pulled out of the driveway.

Eventually they got to the hospital where Eren parked the car and ran out, around to Levi's side to help him get out.

They held hands as they headed inside and signed in before heading to the waiting room. They both sat down and Eren wrapped his arm around his boyfriend kissing his head. "I love you."

Levi rested his head on his shoulder, "I love you too... thank you"

"For what baby?"

"For being here, helping me, even when I'm pissed and moody"

"I love you when you're pissed and moody, it's all part of you and I love all of you."

"Levi Ackerman?" A nurse shouted which caused them to stand up and follow her to the doctors office.

"Hello there Levi, how are we feeling?" The doctor greeted them as they were directed to the seats opposite him.

"Heavily pregnant"

"Yes, unsurprisingly. So I understand that this is your last appointment before your due date. Do you have any questions about the birth before we conduct the ultrasound?"

Levi and Eren shook their heads. "Wonderful, well if you would just like to lay down on the bed and I'll grab the equipment."

Eren helped his boyfriend take off his coat and lay down, before sitting next to him and holding his hand.

"Any problems that you're concerned about?"

"He's stopped with the morning sickness, is that normal?"
"Yes it is, morning sickness is more prominent in the early stages, it does tend to die down later into the pregnancy."

Eren nodded.

"Ok, it is going to be cold Levi"

The doctor spread a clear gel over his stomach as he winced at the cold. "Would you like to know the gender of the baby?"

They both nodded.

"Okie dokie, you have a.... Boy! Congratulations!"

Eren widely smiled and Levi felt himself tear up at the news.

"Everything looks good, and the baby is healthy. Would you like to hear his heartbeat?"

Levi nodded frantically, clearly becoming overwhelmed.

The doctor flicked a button on the control panel and they could soon hear a gentle thumping.

"Perfectly healthy, nothing to worry about."

"Thank you," Eren said with tears down his cheeks. He kissed Levi's knuckles and watched as the small baby moved around inside Levi's stomach.

The doctor put his equipment back onto the table and grabbed a photograph from the printer. He handed the picture to Eren and gave Levi a tissue to wipe his stomach.

"Now if you don't have any questions then you're welcome to leave and I'll see you on your due date."

"Thank you so much"

"It's quite alright"

Eren helped Levi sit up and put his coat on him before they left, saying goodbye to the doctor.

When they got back in the car, they sat in silence and Levi rubbed his stomach.

"A little boy"


Levi smiled at his boyfriend before turning back to his stomach.

"Little Areum, I can't wait to meet you."

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