Chapter 15

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"Daddy! Papa! Wake up" The twins screamed bouncing on top of Levi and Eren. Levi immediately got worried and shielded his stomach from the twins. Eren sat up and held them so they would stop bouncing.

"Give us a minute, babies to wake up..."

"But daddyyyy, it's our birthdayyyy" Akira whined.

"I know bud, go get dressed and come back ok?"

"Ok!" They both ran out and Levi rolled over to rest his head on Eren's chest.

"You ok my love?"

"Yeah, just protective of the baby"

"That's fine, we better get up. I need to go to the estate agents, are you ok with them till I come back?"

"Of course, just let them open their presents before you go."

"Ok, come on baby"

Levi whined and straddled Eren before he could get up. Eren sighed and rested his hands on his ass. Levi wrapped his arms around his neck and kissed his lips.

They sleepily made out, until the twins burst back in again.

"Daddyyyyy! Come on"

"Ok ok, we're coming"

Levi got off of his lap and walked to the wardrobe to get changed while Eren wandered into the bathroom to do his business. The twins happily played on Eren's phone until it started ringing.

"Daddy! Phones ringing!"

Eren burst out of the bathroom and took his phone from Aika.

"JB! What's wrong?"

"Boss! You need to get down here quick, the building's lit up in flames."

"What do you mean? What happened?!"

At this point, Levi wearily eyed his boyfriend. He just wanted to spend time with his family on his children's birthday but it looked like it wasn't going to happen.

Levi wiped his eyes and took the kids downstairs who didn't seem as excited about their birthday anymore.

Eren quickly got dressed and grabbed his car keys. He ran to Levi and the kids who were eating breakfast at the dining table.

"Baby, I'm so so sorry. I need to go into work, it's really important." Levi nodded and looked down. Eren went round to the kids chairs, he knelt down and they turned to look at him.

"Kids, I'm really sorry, but daddy has to go to work ok? I'll be back by the time your friends arrive. Open your presents after breakfast, and I'll get Mari to record everything so I don't miss it."

The twins sadly nodded and played with the rest of their food. Eren got the rest of his stuff and ran out shouting orders at Mari and Adrien.  Levi ran after him and stopped him when he got to the car.

"You and the kids are my priority, you said. If that means works slacks then so be it you said. This is their first birthday with you Eren, it's special."

"I know, I'm really sorry my love but it's so important."

"How?! What's more important than your family?!" The couple started getting annoyed at each other.

"My whole livelihood is on fire right now, and I need to get there to sort it! Ok Levi, I'm sorry I really am. I would rather be here than sort this mess but I have to do it! My employees are scared and need me, I promise I'll be back by the time their friends arrive."

Levi wiped his eyes again watching Eren get into the car. "You better be, or you're sleeping in your office tonight."

Eren chuckled and kissed him through the window.

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