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Zayn's POV

Leaning against the headrest, I tap my hands On the steering wheel as the soft sound of cry me a River by Justin Timberlake played on the radio.
Anwar and i had taken a quick drive down to the grocery store to get some stuff for Gigi and the baby.
Whilst the music played in the background I couldn't help but let my mind wander.

To the brunette beauty that had been on my mind since the day we decided to go out separate ways.
I didn't want us to end. I wanted to hang on so badly, so desperately... it left like if I had let her go I'd suddenly stop breathing. Which I did.
We could have made it work, I wanted to make it work, but she insisted that we'd end it so I'd pay more attention to Gigi and the baby, and as much as I'm thankful for that, i'd much rather have her beside me too...completing me.

I felt dead inside...without her and that feeling had left a huge hole in my heart, one I never thought I could mend. Until my baby girl came along...and I didn't feel so lonely anymore.

A small sad smile crosses my face as I think of our good times. And her smile...and the way it reached her eyes anytime she laughed. Her perfect brunette locks that I dug so much, matching those pretty brown eyes.

What would it take to have you in my arms again Selena?...what would it take to make you want me again?

'Alright, i got them, lets go' Anwars voice suddenly breaks my line of thoughts as he opened the car and hopped into the seat beside me. I turn to see him looking at me with a weird but concerned expression.

'You ok man?' He asked putting on his seat belt and I brushed him off with the wave of my hand before pulling out of the parking lot.

      •                          •                           •                          •

Pulling up to our apartment I notice a car parked in our garage so i park behind it.
'Hmmm...looks like Fai is here, probably brought company' Anwar comments and my blood suddenly runs cold.

That bastard...really showed up here?

'Great' I mutter as we step out of the car and head inside while I try to maintain my composure.
As soon as we walk in we hear loud chattering from the living room and as Anwar had guessed earlier. Fai was sitting at the kitchen counter with his mouth stuffed with the cookies Gigi made for me, whilst she  worked by the stove and someone I don't know was leaning against the kitchen door frame.
With my eyes fixed on the piece of cookie in his hands I can't help but feel the urge to snap his wrist and punch him to the ground.
Was he going to take everything that's mine?

'We got the stuff!' Anwar announced bringing the attention of the three people to us.
'Finally!' Gigi said coming over to take the bags from him and then move to give me a peck on the lips.

'You okay babe?' She asked but my eyes remained fixed on the retard behind her. His eyes meet mine and for a moment I can see the look of fear cross his face, before he shifts from the gaze, slowly dropping the cookie in his hand back on the plate.

'Where's the baby?' I ask removing my gaze from him and facing Gigi who looked at me puzzled.
'She's sleeping, but Kendall went in to check on her some minutes ago.' She says and without another word I head into our room and then the baby's room.

Kendall was sitting on the rocking chair with my princess in her hands, and as soon as she noticed my presence, her face lit up.
'Hey you!, you're back' she says and I give her tight lipped smile. I'm not a huge fan of Kendall, but I try to get along with her because of Gigi...I guess she's not that bad.

'Hey, how is she?' I ask moving closer to see my baby girl sleeping as Gigi had said. 'Good, she's such a calm baby' Kendall whispers and I smirk knowing exactly who she inherited it from.
'Of course she is... she gets it from her daddy' I say reaching out to take her and Kendall who smoothly slides her into my arms, and I can't help but admire the beauty of her as she lets out a small yawn.

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