Chapter Twenty-Three

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November 14th
Aaliyah POV
4 months pregnant

"Oh my gosh it smells sooo amazing here" I looked around the beach and smiled. Pat took out his phone and pointed the camera at me.

"say cheese" I stopped were I was at and smiled at him he took my picture then we took some selfies.

"are you sure about missing Karin's party?"

"No, I would like to be there with her but she told me to promise her to stay here and enjoy all the time we will have together alone" He walked over to me and kissed my cheek, he wrapped his arms around me and rubbed my belly. I leaned against him as we just swayed and listened to the ocean.

"you know I love you so much Aaliyah, I am so blessed to have you in my life. The first time I met you, I knew this women will be the mother of my life the one who makes me feel complete. I Patrick Mahomes is asking you Joy Aaliyah Warters to change your last name and become my wife." he let go of belly and I felt hime back up, I turned around and he was on one knee. I smiled and tears started filling my eyes.

"Will you marry me?" I smiled and nodded so hard, Pat put the ring on my finger then swooped me up and carried me to our villa.

Later that night

Patrick was sitting on the bed putting on his shoes, I opened the door and turned around to look at him over my shoulder. Pat had his phone out.

"is my fiance ready" he chuckled and put the phone down, put his shoe on and then grabbed his things and we went to dinner.

November 16th Karin POV7 am

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November 16th
Karin POV
7 am

It's my birthdayyy, I woke up and looked at the ceiling and got a little sad. This year Aaliyah and pat is on vacation and Travis is at a game. I do have Sylah, I get up and brush my teeth and wash my face then I walk into Sy's room.

"Good morning my baby" she stood up and smiled, Sylah hasn't talked since the party last month, but she is walking a lot better. I picked her up and we went to the bathroom, I washed her and put some clothes on her.

"Let's go for a run baby" I took her into my bathroom with my while I showered. I got out and put on my clothes and then took a picture. I made Sy a quick breakfast, once she ate I put her in the stroller and zipped it up. I turned on my music and went to running around the neighborhood. I stopped outside of this older ladies house, she was outside doing something on the porch.

"Good morning Ms.Leslie"

"Ohh Karin, Happy Birthday baby, is that miss Sylah"

"Thank you and yes it is"

"Okayy, come sit on this porch I have gifts for y'all" I pushed Sylah to the bottom steps, I took Sylah out her stroller and we sat on the porch. A few seconds later and Ms. Leslie came out with water and gift bags.

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