Chapter Sixteen

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Wednesday Karin Pov

"I'm free, I'm finally FREEEE" I sang and startted dancing in a circle. Jackson laughed and grabbed my hands.

"so now that you are a free women what will you do first" I smiled at him, he spun me around so my back is leaning on his chest.

"well first I'm going to give my baby a kiss then I will take my clothes off" Jackson started playfully moaning softly.

"then I'm going to take a long hot bath, then make myself dinner. maybe steak"

"uhh huh keep going" he started kissing my neck.

"Jackson, cut it out. I'm about to leave, and we are not having sex in a hospital" He kissed my cheek, spun me back around to face him.

"Listen I really like you Karin, I want this relationship to not be like my others" I smiled and he grabbed my chin and gave me a peck on the lips.

"We can go as slow, or fast as you want" I pecked his lips back.

"I love the sound of that" we started making out then there was a knock on the door.

"Come in"

"I've learned to knock" we laughed at Dr.Hue.

"I'm sorry about that" Yesterday Dr.Hue didn't know Jackson was still here and she walked in on us playing strip war. It's basically the war card game but whoever loses two plays in a row have to take off a piece of clothing. Jackson and I were both in our underwear only when Dr.Hue came in.

"It's okay, are you ready to go home" I nodded.

"I'm going to miss you" she smiled and opened her arms.

"I'm breaking protocol but you were my favorite patient" we chuckled and I hugged her.

"We should have lunch sometime, here's my number" I gave her my business card with my personal number on it too. We hugged one more time then Jackson and I left. There's people taking this COVID vaccine but they still suggest we wear our mask and everything. I'm going to Travis and I house today and the three of us is going to the very small welcome home party my dad is throwing us.

"Thanks for the ride Jackson and everything. I would invite you in but"he nodded and kissed my cheek. Jackson was about to say something when his phone rung.

" many victims..okay I'm on my way" he hung up and sighed.

"It's okay Jackson, go save lives" I gave him a peck on the lips and grabbed my stuff out the car. I sped walked to the door so he could pull off. Travis opened the door and I was in awe.

"Travis this is..woow" he smiled.

"Had to get it right for my girls" I tried to act like he didn't say that so I walked to some painting on the wall, he grabbed my bags.

"I want to see Sylah but I need to shower first" he nodded and started walking up the stairs.

"I'll show you where we have everything when you finish showering" he nodded and showed me to the master bedroom.

"Where have you been sleeping"

"I've slept in here until two days ago, I've been sleeping in the guest bedroom"

"Oh Travis, you don't have to"

"Yes I do, because I still love you Karin. I see you and just want to be next to you so until I'm able to control those urges I will sleep in that room" I nodded and touched his arm.

"I understand" Travis walked out and left me to go shower, I turned the water on, took off my clothes. I started washing then everything just hit me, all in one. The neglect from Travis', the hatred I put on Travis', the accident, my pregnancy, the way Jackson makes me feel. I just started crying, I slid to the bottom of the shower and sat in a ball crying. 

Travis pov 

I heard a semi-loud bang so I went to go check on Karin but then I heard her crying. I assumed it's just the same thing I felt when I first got home but worse on her. 

"mama, I don't know what to do. I love Travis, I will always love Travis. I just need to focus on my Sylah and getting better mama..." I walked away cause I started to hear Sylah whine. I walked into her nursery and she was looking over at me. 

"hey princess Sylah" I picked her up and kissed all over her face, causing her to giggle. I changed her diaper and then sat in the rocking chair and grabbed a book. 

"Whose toes are those? Who do you suppose has such fine toes?.." I kept reading the book until I seen Sylah was sleeping. 

"may I hold her before she gets put to bed" Karin walked in and I nodded, she put the book back for me while I stood up, she sat down and I gave her Sylah. 

"she looks like you" 

"she does, she has your dads hair." she grabbed Sylah hand and Sylah started smiling.

"and my moms smile" she sniffled a tear rolled down her cheek. 

"when I was in the a coma, I was talking to my mom everyday. I was with her listening to you, dad, mama J, everyone. Then when I went back I was happy I was with her again but she told me not to stay, so I didn't and I woke up mad at you. When I shouldn't have been, I was there out in the street by my own accord. Everyone told me to stay home, even the realtor I just wanted to leave" 

"Karin I understand why you left, we all do. I'm sorry for being the one who put you in that type of situation, if I treated you better you would have been with me not alone that day" I walked over to her and kneeled in front of her. 

"Karin, I want to make it up to you, I really do. I want us to be the family we are meant to be, I love you Karin and I am deeply sorry for everything" we were looking in each other eyes, our lips were just now inches apart, then Sylah started crying. She cleared her throut and looked down and Sylah. I got up and walked out the room, I don't know how I will ever be able to fix everything that I messed up. I went to the kitchen and decided to just make dinner, to calm my nerves and talk to pat tomorrow. 

Later that night/ Karin pov 

I just finished feeding Sy when Travis texted saying dinner was done, I liked his message. I turned on soft birds chirping and then I laid her down in the crib. I went downstairs and into the kitchen, it smelled amazing down there. 

"It smells wondeerful in here" he smiled, I washed my hands then grabbed a plate but Travis took it out my hands and handed me a plate already made. 

"thank you" He smiled at me, like the smile white people do to strangers when they are saying hi. We sat at the table and it was just ridiculous, I was getting annoyed at the fact he wasn't trying to talk to me. I grabbed my plate and stood up, I was walking out and could feel him staring at me. I went to the screen room and sat in there to eat, after I ate I washed my plate, checked on Sylah and went to bed. This is extremely childish and I really hope it don't last long.

A/N: Heyy guys its Brandi, I will try to update atleast twice a week. I start my classes back on Monday, my Grandma just passed recently and this is my grandpas first anniversery without her this weekend so next week updates may be short. 

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