Chapter Seventeen

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Jackson in mm
Karin Pov/ May 20

"Princess SYLAHH" I whispered in her face causing Sylah to giggle, my phone gets a facetime call, I couldn't really see the name so I just answered it.

"well hello Sylah" I looked at the phone and started smiling.

"Jackson" he smiled back, for the past two months our communicating have been off. He's in seattle so they are three hours behind so when I'm sleep, he's in surgery. When he's out of surgery, he's with a Covid patient. With the vaccine most people have been taking the cases have went down, I personally don't know anyone who has taken it but the cases went down so thats a plus.

"so its great to see you again"

"its great to see you too, I missed you" I started blushing, I put Sylah on her belly mat in the living room and sat on the floor next to her.

"Sylah's half birthday is coming up soon, so look out for something in the mail"

"oh Jackson you didnt have to do that" he chuckled

"of course I did, Harriet loves all her new clothes and toys" I chuckled.

"that was mandatory, Harriet asked for those"

"did you do that Harriet" He turned the camera over to Harriet sitting in her high chair. Harriet is one years old and she is so dang cute. We kept talking, while I played with Sylah on the floor, shes starting to flip herself over. The door opened and Travis walked in with bags.

"Jackson, I'll talk to you soon, hopefully"

"hopefully" we hung up, I looked at Travis coming out of the kitchen.

"do you need some help" he shook his head no and I sighed as he went back outside.

"Sylah your daddy is driving me insane" She smiled at me showing me her one tooth, Sylah tooth came in late last month. Travis came back in with more bags then closed the door, I put Sylah's gate thing around her then went to the kitchen.

"Travis it's been two months, are you really keeping this crap up" He sighed, looked at me then grabbed a jar of ketchup and put it in th fridge. I grabbed some grapes out of the bag and threw one at him, he didnt say or do anything so I threw another.

"what do you want from me"

"I want you to talk to me Travis"

"why, why do you need both of us crawling and kissing your ass Karin" I looked at him like he was crazy cause he had to loose his mind in the grocery store.

"are you serious right now"

"yes, you are being a bitch like I cheated on you. If you were going to breakup with me, get pregnant and make me miserable then shit I shouldve fucking cheated. I paid and furnished this house, I was there for you while you was in a coma and I get is you sucking some other guys dick" I threw the rest of the grapes at him and got up, I went upstairs packed a bag for Sylah and myself and grabbed some cash I have in a duffle bag. I always keep a duffle bag with cash in it just incase something happens with my bank. I took some cash out then grabbed the duffle bag. I went downstairs with both bags and went into the kitchen, threw the duffle bag of cash at Travis and walked towards Sylah.

"you are not taking my daughter"

"you are bugging, I'm leaving"

"Do not walk out that fucking door Karin" his voice boomed around the house.

"don't you got a girlfriend" he chuckled and started walking closer to me. he grabbed Sylah out of my hands. I couldnt say anything because I honestly was scared for a minute.

"give me my daughter so we can leave" he put Sylah in her swing chair thing with the mobile on it. He turned to face me and grabbed the duffle bag out my arm and threw it on the couch.

"yall aren't going anywhere, this little show was real cute but I'm sick of it" he put his hand in my shorts, causing me to gasp at the touch.

"this, this is mine. that other dude can't have this" he started rubbing my clit.

"we never had sex"

"and yall won't" he slipped a finger inside of me causing me to lean forward in his arms.

"Travis, cut it out" he didn't say anything, he just went faster. I put his shoulder in my mouth, he tapped my butt with the other hand and started picking me up with one hand on my butt the other on my breast. He took us into the kitchen and placed me on the kitchen table, he started taking off my shorts. He got down and started slurping on my pearl, I covered my mouth so that Sylah doesn't start crying. He kept slurping then stuck two fingers inside of me, he sped up his pace making me squirm all over the table.

"stop that running" he went back to slurping and fingering me.

"I'm about to cum" he kept slurping then I came all over his face, he licked me clean then started sucking his fingers clean looking me in the eyes.

"why did you do that" he chuckled and looked at me.

"I'm over this back and forth shit we doing, that show over. I apologized so many times and you accepted my apology nobody is stopping us but you so I did that to let you know you got a seat at the table when you ready to stop playing" he kissed my cheek and walked out the kitchen. Never in my life have I ever wanted to fuck someone in my life, like his whole demeanor changed. I smiled and put my underwear and shorts on then went to clean the table off, I don't want my daddy to eat off the table I have cum all over. I cleaned the table then I went upstairs, I didn't see Sy so I assume Travis has her. I went to the room and showered, I put on some boxers and a tee shirt. I went to the nursery and Travis was in there holding Sylah.

"I came to feed her" he nodded and got up to let me sit down, he grabbed Sylah off the play mat handed her to me.

"when do you stop breast feeding" I waited to Sylah attached to my nipple then looked at Trav.

"I might when she turns seven months, she already have some teeth but she'll have more by then and I don't want her biting me" he made a face causing me to laugh.

"what does it taste like?"

"it all depends on what the mom eats, drinks and her nutrients. I pump in the morning if you want to taste it" he chuckled but then he nodded fast, we laughed and kept talking. Once Sylah ate, I burped her then we all went back downstairs.

"so wanna watch a movie" Travis jumped over the back of the couch next to me, then grabbed the remote turning on the T.V.

"lets watch Wonder Women 1984"

"I haven't seen the first one" he sighed and looked at me.

"what planet have you been living on" I rolled my eyes and then grabbed the remote from him and went to HBO Max.

"We will watch Birds of Prey" he got up ran to the kitchen, I heard the pantry door open and closed then heard the fridge. A few seconds later Travis came back with snacks and drinks. He put all the snacks and drinks in the middle of us and went to grab blankets.


I answered the phone and all I heard was moaning, I looked at the caller I.D and it said Jackson. I kept listening for a little to see if he was pranking me or something.


"shut up and kiss me" they started kissing and I hung up, I wasn't mad because we aren't dating. A few hours later I got a text from Jackson.

Hey..Did you call?

Me butt dialed me while having sex with Jo

a few seconds later he called me.


"You do not have to apologize Jackson, we we're not together. I am not mad at all I swear" he hung up then facetimed me.

"are you serious"

"yes, we only been texting and talking on the phone during our free time, we kissed a few times. we're basically bestfriends" he chuckled and then we talked for a few hours until he had to go to work.

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