Chapter Five - Miko. Need I say more?

Start from the beginning

"The jokers who tried to bump us off last night." Arcee added for clarification. Optimus kneeled down to be more at the humans eye level.

"A fair question, Jack." Great, now I know his name too. I don't want to know any of these people! "In part, they are here because our planet is uninhabitable, ravaged by centuries of civil war." Ra-something asked a question this time. "Foremost, over our world's supply of energon, the fuel and lifeblood of all autobots and decepticons alike." I glance down at my arm and bit my lip. I took a deep breath and stopped listening for a moment. "...Megatron lost his way." I looked back at the Prime. Miko didn't seem too concerned.

"Megatron has not been seen or heard from in some time, but if his return is imminent as I fear, it could be catastrophic..."

I turn my face away and stare at the ceiling. I can't help as my arms shake violently and tears pour from my eyes. No... he's not here... not yet... don't panic... I tell myself silently while forcing deep breaths. I don't know how much time passes before I manage to get my arms to stop shaking. He's not here yet... I remind myself one more time.

"It is best that you three remain under our watch, at least until we can determine our enemies intentions" Optimus said.

"Optimus, with all due respect," Ratchet began, "the human children are in as much danger here as anywhere! They have no protective shell. If they get underfoot, they will go squaw-wish." Finally, some reason! I mean, gross, but realistic.

"Then for the time being, Ratchet, we must watch where we step." Optimus said, it almost sounded like a joke. A green light flooded the room in a blinking with a mild sounding alarm. Yes, finally! I'm starving.

"It's Agent Fowler." Ratchet said.


"Special Agent Fowler is our designated liaison to the outside world. As he tends to visit only when there are... issues. It may be best if you do not meet him at this time." Optimus said. I watched the humans run to a spot where they wouldn't be seen as the lights flashed on the elevator levels. After it passed the first one, I launched a rope the wrapped itself around the railing around the top platform. I hopped off the rafter and dropped onto the second platform nearly silently. No one seemed to notice. I waited until the door opened and Fowler stepped out before forcing the elevator door open where I was. Fowler was busy yelling at the autobots and no one noticed as I stepped inside. I heard the last thing he said.

"Anything you wanna get off your tin chest, Prime?" Every word was spoken in such a condescending tone that I wanted to rip his tongue out for speaking in such a way to a Prime... Not that I would actually speak to a Prime...

The door closed and the elevator went up. As the elevator door opened, I bolted to the helicopter and grabbed hold of the landing bar. I gripped it tightly and flinched as Fowler marched towards it. He got inside and started the blades up. I waited until it was out of range of the autobot base before letting go and falling. I pressed my arm to my chest and as the ground neared, a car formed around me and landed as if from a jump. The breath was forced from my body as I slammed on the brakes and the car skid to a stop. Without thinking I had recreated the model Cliffjumper had copied, only this one was black and hornless. I waited until I had regained my breath to drive home. My arms shake the entire way and I can feel myself getting weaker. After a long twenty minutes, I pull up around the corner of home and get out. It dissolves into a blue dust that quickly dissipated. I walk into the house and close the door. No sooner did I do that than Mom was hugging me.

"Oh thank goodness you're back! I was so worried! What do you want for din—" SHe stopped talking as she noticed the tears rolling down my face. "What happened?"

"I just found out..." It was a little bit of a lie. "My best friend... committed suicide yesterday..." I sniff and wipe my eyes as she pulls me into another hug.

"Oh darling, I'm so sorry, are you gonna be okay?"

I nod. "Yeah... it's just... shocking... he was always so happy... And now he's... gone..." I pull away from the hug and wipe my eyes and take a shaky breath.

"I really hate to ask you now... but can you call Miko? She won't answer any of my calls."

I nodded. "Yeah, I'll do that... let me know when dinner's ready..." I mumble before walking up the stairs. I call Miko using the contact Mom gave me. It rang three times then stopped. I called again, this time she answered.

"Who is this?"

"Chrissy. When are you gonna get back? Mom's worried." I stated.

"Uh... I'm not really sure..." Miko said. "But don't worry! I'm fine."

"So long as you're not going to get stepped on, be home by six."

"Ugh, you're such a killjoy."

"Do I need to pick you up or something? Where are you?"

"I'm at a friend's!" Miko lied, though it was too be expected. "Don't worry about it! They'll give me a ride!"

"Just be home by six or I will find you."

"O-okay..." I could hear the slight tremble in her voice.

"Need I say more, Miko?"

"Nope!" She hurriedly said. "I'll be home by six! I promise!"

"Good." She's afraid of me, just like I want.

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