Chapter 44: Redemption 4

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Phil got everyone to get out of the room and told them everything.

A scrawny man started to laugh.

"Nice thinking boy!What about the-"

He was cut down by gunfire from down the hall.

Bullets cut through him like paper.

There were 6 PALS left and 15 hospital dwellers left.

Will and Lula fired back,while everyone else ran away,out the back.

Phil helped everyone out but couldn't get back in.

One PAL went down by Lula,and another by Will.

Bullets grazed the walls of the hallways that made the wallpaper burst into flames.

Fire spread everywhere and the roof started to collapse.

"Will!"Lula shouted.

Will looked up at the ceiling and then dashed to the left,expecting to this against the wall,but he instead fell through the burning wall and hit his head on a table.

Lula went in after him right as the whole second story fell onto the first.

Smoke and dust floated on the air.

The once hospital was a pile of rubble.

Phil screamed and fell to his knees.

Nobody could have survived that.


Except for 2 people who ducked under a thick table just in time.

Will and Lula were alive but trapped under rubble.

Will moaned in pain as Lula examined his head.

"Will,I think you have a concussion."Lula calmly said from under the table.

"I...Hear ringing."Will said.

"I think we are stuck under here.I hope they find us."Lula said,wiping the blood off of her hand,onto the roof of the table.

The collapse of the second floor,had caused the last few PALS to die.

The battle had ended.

Robert dragged Zane around the back of the Hospital,where he saw Phil and the rest of the survivors.

"Robert!" Phil shouted.

"Phil!How are you?"Robert asked.

"I've been better.Will and Lula are trapped under the rubble." Phil said ,pointing to the place where the Hospital used to be.

Zane quickly opened his eyes.

"Shawn...dumpster..."Zane muttered before passing out once again.

Robert gently set his best friend on the ground.

"Get everyone to the next door building.I'll go get Shawn.We will get Will and Lula out after that.Everything is going to be fine." Robert said.

"You're back." Phil said with a smile.

"Yes,let's hope I stay this way." Robert said,running back into the fog.

Phil turned around to the survivors,and they all left,Including Zane,who was carried by some of the survivors.

Robert skidded to a halt at the dumpster and lifted the lid.

Shawn,was sitting in the dumpster with a black eye and a few cuts on his face.His were Mild wounds compared to Zanes.

"Come here buddy." Robert said to his friend.

Shawn stood up and they hugged it out.

"I missed you man."Shawn said.

"I'm sorry for leaving." Robert said with a half smile.

"It's whatever."Shawn said.

"Let's go." Robert said.

Shawn hopped out of the dumpster,and the 2 guys walked away into the fog.

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