Chapter 38: Reunion

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A familiar person stepped out and walked out of the fog.

"Lula!"Zane said with shock.

Lula smiled and then realized that there were way less.

"Where...are Robert and the others?"She asked.

"Ian and Ben died.Robert is still alive,he's on his way.So are the bad guys."Shawn explained.

"I'm sorry.Sorry for sending you to them,we had no idea."Lula said. "I heard yelling,can you guys come with me?"

"Again?Sure." Zane said for everyone.

The 5 climbed into the Jeep and they slowly drove the slow distance to their nice house.

Trevor and Cam were waiting outside,confused by the other people in the car.

There was a cluster of shorter people looking outside of the window.

"What is happening here?"Lula asked while exiting the Jeep.

"Samson thought about it,and He decided that the children should stay here,so they are safe.Trevor and I have agreed to stay here with them.I see you found those guys."Cam said.

"Yeah,We ran into each other down the street.I'm on board with this.What do we do?"Lula asked.

"Well,if they attack us,we will need the rest of you at the Hospital."Trevor said.

"Well,let's go."Zane said.

         Robert along with Lewis and RJ,Broke into a small convenient store.

They took some food and left and slowly walked down the street.

Nothing happened.

But many things were about to happen.

Many horrible things that were going to kill many people.

It would be known as the battle of Veronia.

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