Chapter 9: sticking it to the boss

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11:00 pm.

Everyone stood at the door except Robert who was still in shock from what he did.

"Does anyone know how to pick a lock?"Zane asked.

"I have a fork.I bent down Three of the prongs for you.Try it."Will said.

Zane took it and fiddled with the lock as quietly as possible.

He tried and tried for 4 minutes and he was about to give up until it unlocked.

"Holy Crap."Ben whispered.

"Let's go.Quietly." Phil whispered.

Everyone slowly walked the empty halls left and right and left again until they were outside.

It was dark and the clouds were the red they were before but there was something wrong with the ocean.

It was finally red.

The ocean was completely red.

"I hate my life."Ben said in his usual way.

"I remember that there are jet skis around here!Lets look for-"Will said.

The lights came on and Killmore walked I front of the young men.

"You all deserve to die!Where are you going to go ,huh?You will all die!"Killmore said.

"Screw you asshole!"Zane said stepping in front of his friends.

At that moment Shawn noticed the jet skis.

"I see them!Follow me!"Shawn yelled.

They all ran in the dark to 3 jet skis.

"No!"killmore yelled.

He was too late.

The 6 went in pairs and they drove the jet skis into the dark.

They had successfully escaped but there was something else.

Somebody was in the early stages of the fog sickness.

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