Chapter 2: Tragedy

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Robert a woke with a startle to yelling from the side of the boat.

It was cloudy and the fog was thicker.

"Davidson fell!"One of the cremates said.

Everyone but Robert was crowded around the side of the boat where he fell.

"What do we do?"Will asked.

"I don't know."One of the crew members responded.

Ian threw his leather jacket into Phil's arms and jumped overboard.

Nobody knew how to react.

Phil,Ben,Zane,and Will stepped away from the side as well as the rest of the crew.

Shawn and Robert nervously looked over the edge.

They could only see red fog until someone was climbing up.

One of them survived.

It was the crew member.

"What happened?Where's Ian?" Robert shouted.

"He helped me to the ladder but he got dragged under."The man said.

"No!That isn't true!"Will shouted running to the edge.

Even if it wasn't true they couldn't save Ian.

The boat didn't stop when the man fell.

"Ian's gone."Phil said sadly.

Robert glared at the man who fell overboard.

He hated the man.

It was completely his fault.

"What did you do?" Robert muttered.

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