Chapter 25: The Cure

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"Finally you got the stuff!"Norris said.

Norris took the supplies and Samson invited them inside.

Samson smiled and Invited Lula into His hospital room.

He had kept the radio in there.

"Guess who radioed me."


"Close,Phil and the other guys.Remember Them?They called for you."


"They are on their way.The boys got lost in the woods."

" never thought I would see them again."

"Me neither."

"Well ,thanks."

"Yeah yeah,get out!"Samson joked.

Lula half smiled and walked outside.

"I can't believe they are back."She thought to herself.

She hung around for an hour until she visited her friends.

Trevor was getting fixed in a room and Cam was waiting outside.

"Hey Cam."Lula casually said.

"Hey."Cam responded .

"Do you remember that group of guys that came to the sewers last?"

"Yeah,Didn't they get on that boat?"

"Mhm,they are back."

"Ok cool.Maybe they can help us."

"If they make it."

"Didn't one of them die or something?"

"Yeah the tourist.There were 7 last I saw."

"Well,I would like to meet them."


Lula walked away from Cam and Ran into Jeff the marine.

Jeff looked terrible his skin was pale and his eyes were baggy.

Then his eyes bled.

"Cam!Norris!Samson!"Lula shouted.

But it was too late,Jeff had pushed Lula into a wall.

Samson,followed by Cam,Trevor ,and another guy named Nick,Tackled Jeff to the ground.

Jeff screamed and everyone else who was around retreated into the cafeteria.

Jeff threw Trevor a gg of himself causing Trevor to roll down the hallway.

Cam was thrown off of Jeff as well and that is when Jeff pulled out a Swiss Army knife.

Samson yelled as Nick got stabbed in the chest.

Nick stumbled backwards and Trevor pulled him away.

Samson finished off Jeff by sticking him with a needle filled with Gray liquid.

"The cure!"Lula shouted.

Jeff twitched his head and then he calmed down and passed out.

"Guys,Nick is dead."Trevor said stepping away from Nicks body.

"I hope the cure worked."Cam muttered.

"It will.I tested it on myself."Norris said.

"To be safe,let's take Jeff into room 2 and put Nicks body out back."Samson said sadly.

Norris was right and eventually,he made enough for everyone.

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