Chapter 35: Will the hero

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Will took his short spears and pistol to set off into the night to fulfill his promise.

Will set off after the faint footsteps of the PALS and walked through trees and brush to get to the other imprints but then with one strike of thunder,the rain poured.

Will grew upset.

The tracks were wiped away.

Robert,RJ,and Lewis cooked food that night ,which consisted of Steaks and Hotdogs.

Robert couldn't stop thinking about Ben,the whole trip was his idea.

RJ and Lewis stayed out of his way,they both knew what he felt.

Lewis,was driving across the Golden Gate Bridge with his two friends when the fog hit.

Many cars crashed into each other and some even fell off of it into the water.

Lewis and his friends stayed in the car to witness the flies capturing people.

One fly landed on the car and ripped through the roof and took Lewis' friend,Carl,away into the fog.

Lewis grabbed his other friend,Orion,by the arm and they ran to the other side of the bridge although,Orion got lost in the fog.

Lewis kept moving after he heard Orion scream.

Lewis made it out just in time with one other person as the whole bridge collapsed.

That other person was James.

RJ was simply at his house when everything started.

He lived alone in a small house on the coast of San Francisco.

He was hiding out there for a few days until James,Lewis,and Ann knocked at his door to get in.

They stayed there for 2 months until there was an attack,forcing them to find a new place.During that time,they met Ray and Erica.

They had kept to themselves although they were saddened that 2/3 of their original group got wiped out so quickly.

RJ and Lewis weren't really friends,in fact,they knew little about each other.

Everyone was quiet in the meat store that night.

      Will walked in the direction of the wiped away foot prints until he heard voices from beyond the thinly veiled fog.

He saw a small concrete building and many people outside of it.

The rain made his eyesight worse,but he made his attack anyways.

Will took one of his spears and threw is with all of his strength as far away as possible.

Everyone noticed and the boss ordered for 6 of the men to go Investigate.

Is rouse worked and he ran to the outside wall of the building and prepared himself to take a human life.

He took a deep breath and shot the closest figure.

As he went down,another charged at him,but Will was prepared enough to stick out a spear.

The man felt the tip of the spear through his back,but he then fell dead in the rain.

A grenade was thrown at Wills feet,but with quick thinking,Will threw it at the locked door,right as it exploded.

The door flew open.

Will fell on his back and so did the man who threw the grenade.

Will could faintly hear footsteps and Killmore shouting in the distance.

Will picked up one of their automatic rifles from the ground and slowly backed into the Building and quickly untied everyone,who was very shocked.

Phil knew that either Ben or Will was dead before but now he knew,and he felt bad that he wished that Will died instead.

Will got the 3 speechless captives to their feet as they exited the building and ran off into the night,avoiding the gunfire.

If The Boss wasn't pissed before,he was then.

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