Chapter 14: The Note

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Zane,Phil,Shawn,Will,and Ben walked into the Academy store for supplies and the first thing they saw was Roberts dirty sneakers he had left behind.

"Robert!" Phil shouted.

Phil raced to the walkie talkie section and saw a note.

"He wrote us a note!"Phil shouted.

"Read it man!"Ben Said.

Phil cleared his throat and spoke.

"Hey guys,It's Robert.As you probably know,I left you guys this morning,and you probably hate me for it.I just want you to know that I am Really sorry.I don't expect you to forgive me or let me back into the friend group but I want you to know that I care for you guys.That cell did things to me and changed me and what I did was the worst thing Any of us have ever done.I need to find my old self and I need to be on my own for some time.I love you guys."

Everyone stood around for a minute.

Robert was still in there and Zane felt the most guilt.

He thought he had caused Robert to run away but he didn't.

Phil didn't read out loud a last part that read,"I took a Walkie Talkie by the way.You don't have to contact me but if you want to,My code is 904."

Phil his the note and put a Walkie talkie in his back pocket.

"Alright,can we loot some of this?"Ben asked.

"Yeah man,Why doesn't everyone pack a bags worth.Make food and water your priority guys."

"I guess you are calling the shots now.Good for you man."Ben said with cheer.

Ben was happy that Robert was doing fine.

Everyone finished packing and they also took some rifles and pistols from the glass cases.

They were about to leave when the front doorbell rang.

Standing there was a well dressed older man with strong arms and a smirk.

It was the boss and there were many armored men including Killmore and The cowering young Dallas.

"Hello boys!Easy way or the hard way."

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