Chapter 42: Redemption 2

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Trevor looked out of a small hole in the boarded up window on the second floor.

The children were behaving well enough,and they passed the time by playing some board games that they had found in the house.

"See anything?"Cam whispered to Trevor.

"Nothing,but I hear some gun shots out at the Hospital.It's started."Trevor whispered back.

"Where's the shotgun?"She whispered.

"Downstairs,ready if we need it."Trevor whispered.

"I wish Lula stayed with us."Cam said flatly.

"Samson needed her,I trust his judgment."Trevor said.

"Me too,I guess I'm just worried."Cam said.

"You have every right to be."Trevor said returning his gaze to the hole.

They,luckily got to miss out on the action.

     Zane and Killmore jumped away from each other.Both men had taken considerable amounts of damage from the other.Their breaths were heavy and full of pain.

"Consider me Impressed."Killmore said,gripping his back.

"God I'm tired." Zane muttered.

"Break?"Killmore asked,surprisingly calmly.

Zane was thrown off by his comment.Killmore acted like they were just casually sparring,but he knew that the battle would be to the death.

"5 minutes."Zane said.

Shawn stuck his head out of the dumpster and then passed out again after seeing Zane's hand on the ground.

    Robert,  along with Lewis and RJ, ran down the middle of the road until a truck skidded to a stop right infront of the 3.

6 PALS as well as the scary looking Typhon and the Cowering Dallas.

"Look who we found boys!Mr. Terrorist himself!"Typhon said with enthusiasm.

"Who the hell are these guys?"RJ asked.

"They are the bad guys."Robert said with an angry face.

"Alright boys,we can handle this the easy way.or the hard way."Typhon said, while the armed PALS pointed their assault rifles at the boys.

"What are the options?"Lewis asked, with his shotgun pointed at the creepy man.

"Easy way,you get killed quickly. Hard way, all of the people down at the Hospital die as well."Typhon said with a smile.

Robert looked to his left at RJ,and then to the right at Lewis.

Both of them nodded and they all looked back at the Threatening man.

"We will take the medium way."Robert said.

"What is that?"Typhon asked.

Lewis,RJ,and Robert all opened fire onto the men and 4 of the armed men fell down,dead.

The boys all ran to hide behind a car while the rest opened fire and Dallas retreated to the truck.

Then while the 3 boys were reloading,a grenade landed 5 feet away from them.

Lewis gave a sad look at RJ and leaped onto the grenade.

RJ shouted as it exploded,scattering Lewis all across the road.

All that remained was the charred fedora that Lewis had worn.

RJ screamed while crawling around and picking up pieces of flesh.

Robert was horrified but he didn't care enough for the man to be messed up like RJ.

Robert rose from behind the car and shot down the remaining 2 PALS and he also was able to shoot Typhon in the shoulder.

Typhon looked down the barrel of Roberts pistol.

Robert didn't hesitate to pull the trigger but the gun clicked and all of the bullets were gone.

Typhon smirked at Robert and ran away into the fog to live another day.

Robert grabbed RJ by the shoulders and got the boy to his feet.

"He...he just..."RJ said in a shocked way

"I know,I know."Robert assured.

"Why?"RJ asked.

"Because he cared." Robert muttered.

RJ didn't speak up,but he was starting to get feelings for Lewis.RJ knew that Lewis felt the same.It was a tragic case of what could have been.

They never noticed Dallas,who was cowering in the truck.

Robert and RJ walked down the street until they saw a house that had boarded up windows.

"Worth a shot." Robert thought to himself.

Robert knocked on the door,and he heard loud footsteps defending down a staircase and to the door.

An eye peeped out of a crack and then the door flung open.

RJ and Robert were pulled inside the house and then a woman closed the door and locked it.

"Who are you?"Trevor asked.

"I'm Robert!My friends came here.Where are they?" Robert asked.

"We heard of you.I'm Trevor and that's cam over there.We are keeping the kids safe here during the battle."Trevor said.

"Battle?What Battle?" Robert shouted.

"At the hospital.Your friends are fighting there."Cam said.

"Shit!I have to help them!"Robert said,unlocking the door.

"But it's dangerous!"Cam argued.

"Yeah,can't you stay here?"Trevor added.

"I know it's dangerous but I owe them that.I was a jerk and an idiot to leave them.I'm sorry." Robert said,opening the door.

"What about this guy?"Trevor asked while pointing to the sad RJ.

"My friend needs to stay here." Robert said.

"But-"RJ protested.

"Stay." Robert said putting his hands on the boys shoulders.

" careful."

"I will.Goodbye." Robert said calmly.

Robert ran down the street,determined to save everyone that he could.

The old Robert was back.

He was a hero again.

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