"Yes, better late than never sensei" I finally speak and Satoru nods with a smile. He turns to the board and we begin our lesson.

After Class...

"You guys have any plans for the rest of the day?" Satoru sits on my desk, he excused the rest of the class and kept me in.

"Don't think so, probably gonna study the things you taught us today for me though" I smile up at him.

"Studying is so boring though!" He whines and then pouts.

"Maybe, but it's what helps me succeed" I huff, blowing the hair out of my face as my chin rests in the palm of my hand.

"Well then... I might take you on a extracurricular lesson some time soon if you're up for it!" Satoru taps the desk like a drum a few times.

"May I have a brief explanation of what that may be?" I smirk and hum a giggle.

"Well, I might have a few lone missions soon.. considering how things have calmed down recently. I cannot guarantee when it will be though!" He raises his index finger and points it to the ceiling.

"Sounds fun" I lean back on my chair, letting out a gentle sigh.

"Okay, you won't mind whenever right?" Satoru asks me, expecting a simple nod. I do what he assumes and clasps his hands together in excitement. "Then it's settled, learning Gojo inherited power is a must!" He hops off the desk and pulls me out of my chair.

"Yes, sensei" I chuckle as I get dragged out of the classroom.

"Now! Since you don't have plans we are going out!" Satoru hops once like a child, dragging me through the halls, passing a few students.

"Alright! Alright!" I begin to run alongside him, unsure of where this tall man is even going.

"Okay so! First, I'll teach you the reversed curse technique since I did promise! From there I can teach you limitless power so that it wouldn't harm you!" Satoru and I have reached outside, now running the trail that leads to the school. He takes a halt, causing me to do the same almost immediately.

"Ru, what are we even doing here" I look at the blindfolded man who is now slightly out of breath.

"Oh, I don't know. Get the blood pumping?! I can just teleport us now" He turns his back to face me and he slightly lowers himself with his arms out from behind.

"Uh" I walk towards him, unsure of what he wants.

"Get on! We don't have all day do we?!" Satoru says with a chuckle.

"I guess not" I jump onto his back and he easily carries me like a backpack.

"We apparently need to take care of a special grade. After that I'll teach you the technique, sound good?" Satoru looks back at me with a smile.

Before I could respond he warps us to an abandoned building. It reeked of a vile aura, making me want to exterminate whatever was in there now.

"Jheez, this place cannot just have one curse in there" I say, now getting off Satoru's to walk alongside him.

"Yeah, doesn't seem like it. Gives you more of a chance to practice your cursed technique. Have you even named it yet?" Satoru looks to his side and lowers his head towards me, raising an eyebrow.

"Actually.. no" I nervously chuckle as we head to the property of the curse-filled building.

"Think of something!" Satoru nudges me eagerly, as if we shouldn't be focusing on something else right now.

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