I blushed. Hearing that word again made me smile. I didn't expect Giovanni to introduce me that way but I was so happy that he did. We were in a relationship and he was no longer shying away from that. A petite blond stepped through the front door and came to greet us, her very pregnant belly leading the way.

"Hola, Giovanni," Penelope greeted Giovanni and then turned to me, "You must be Isabella. We've heard so much about you,"

"All good things I hope,"

"Of course," Alvaro chuckled

"Welcome to our home," Penelope smiled, "Please come inside,"

Alvaro and Penelope walked in front of us through the front door. I reached for Giovanni before he went inside.

"Girlfriend?" I mused, "Where did that come from?"

"I don't want you to be with anyone else Isabella," he sipped his hand in mine, "So it's what you are now - if that's what you want of course,"

I giggled, "Of course that's what I want,"

He smiled and kissed my forehead. I followed him through the large wooden front door and was welcomed by their home. The ceilings were high and there was a staircase to the right of the house as you entered. We strolled through the open plan kitchen and I placed my handbag down on the counter. The kitchen opened out onto their wooden patio, overlooking their back garden and the clear water of the pool. They had a lovely home. It was much colder today but the sun shining down on us was definitely helping.

'Isabella, can I get you anything to drink?" Alvaro asked

He stood behind the bar they had at the end of the patio. Penelope had taken a seat at the table and gestured for us to do the same.

"Yes please,"

Giovanni went to join Alvaro behind the bar, "What do you feel like baby? They've got wine, gin, water,"

Baby? I couldn't believe the sudden change in Giovanni. Don't get me wrong, this was everything I had wanted but I still didn't expect it. We were here to have an uncomfortable conversation with Giovanni's brother but I was smiling from ear to ear.

"I'll have a glass of wine thank you,"

Alvaro and Giovanni carried on with the drinks as I took a seat across the table from Penelope. She was very pretty. She has straight blonde hair that sat just above her shoulders. She had light blue eyes and light freckles across her cheeks and nose. Her face was plump but pregnancy would do that to you.

"We're glad to meet you, Isabella," Penelope chimed, "For a while, I thought Giovanni would end up as a terminal bachelor,"

I chuckled, "From what I've heard, that's what everyone thought,"

Giovanni strolled to the table and sat down next to me, placing my wine glass in front of me. Both he and Alvaro settled for a glass of whiskey. Giovanni kept one hand in mind and the other on his glass.

"Now as happy as we are to have you guys here, I know you have something to tell me, Giovanni," Alvaro continued, "I called Ma yesterday and something was off,"

"Yeah it's not the kind of conversation either of us wanted to have over the phone," Giovanni sipped on his drink, "I caught dad with another woman last weekend in Valencia,"

Both Alvaro and Penelope couldn't hide the shock at the information Giovanni was sharing. They didn't expect that and I could see Alvaro trying to process this.

"Was it the same woman?" Alvaro asked

Unlike Giovanni, he remained calm about the situation. I could see the anger and frustration on his face but the delivery of his words remained unchanged.

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