"Don't even think about that!" Ezra growls at me. I see him shake his head, completely pushing that thought out of his mind. "That's not an option... I can't... You'll do great, being here - you'll be stress free!"

He clapped his hands in excitement, skipping past me in a way that reminded me of a child. It was...kind of amazing to watch.

The way he skipped down the stairs and I see him pick Remi up from the front of the flat screen. Ever since Ezra got that humongous TV that's all he watches...is that.

"Where are Blueberry and Sapphire?" Ezra asks Remi as they walked to the kitchen. I followed behind them and saw him smile brightly.

"They mostly stay in their homes. Lime also made a cocoon! He will become the special moth I love soon! Are you excited too?" He asks Ezra curiously, causing his smile to crack a bit.

I knew he couldn't stand bugs, especially moths. When he first came into Remi's life he wasn't keen on the whole big situation. Sooner than later, he bought him new tarantulas.

"I am...slightly excited. Moths are very...no. Good for Lime." He stops, and I saw Remi look a little frustrated that he didn't truly answer his question. "At least you're dressed, we'll have to take you to preschool soon."

"Can I bring the iPad you got for me with me?" He begs him, and I frown.

"Remi I've told you before that you can't bring it with you. It could get stolen or broken - you'd be crushed if that happened." I remind him because I can't believe he'd try asking someone else.

Remi didn't seem to believe me and looked back at Ezra. Except he waited for a response from him and completely...did he disregard what I just said?

Ezra's lips tightened into a straight line. He looked at Remi awkwardly because he saw he was being a...

"Bad boy." I sneer, and Remi flinched. "Remi don't do that. You have been doing this recently and disregarding all that I'm saying, and being spoiled. Enough of that, stop right now. I don't like talking to you this way, but enough is enough."

I shake my head at him, and I see his eyes begin to water. He hid his face in Ezra's neck, completely hiding from me.

He looked away awkwardly still, but still set Remi down at his seat. When I went towards him and got his plate he closed his eyes so that he couldn't see me.

That...bothered me.

"Remi don't be like that to him. He's right, you know." Ezra says to him, and Remi opened one of his eyes.

"He...he called me a bad boy. I just wanna bring iPad. Why he be so...mean to me?" He whines and I began to notice that tears were going down his cheeks.

I started to...feel my eyes get watery. Why is he behaving this way?

I look at Ezra, seeing him stay quiet and I narrow my eyes on him. He frowns at me for giving him such a look.

When I finish making Remi's plate I set it before him, and he still avoided looking at me. Except I've dealt with this before...just not in a long time. Especially because of someone else.

I pick him up from his seat, hugging him. His body was a little stiff, but I could manage with that.

"Remi remember what I've always told you. It's good to be grateful, but not expectant of this all the time. Don't be spoiled...that's not the Remi I know. Your...your bugs told me they miss you - the other ones. You have gotten distracted on what 'cool man' has gotten you that you seem to have come to this. You even don't listen to me, and that hurts my feelings... Do you want to hurt mommy's feelings?" I question him softly.

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