Then the pain just dies down and see the Star-lord guy and Miss Bug Lady.

Did I take their pain away? "Did, did the dusting thing hurt you guys?" I ask

Everyone looks at me confused and I hear a chorus of "No"s, I nod. I got my answer, I took their pain away.

Is Antonio here? "ANTONIO?????" I scream as I walk away from the dusted Avengers. "FRATELLO MAGGIORE (OLDER BROTHER)?????" I scream, if Antonio is here, I need to find him.

"ANTONIO?!?!?!?" I yell at the top of my lungs.

Third Person POV

"ANTONIO??????" Peter screams, running away from the dusted Avenger. The Avengers are following him, trying to see where he is going.

Then far away Peter hears a "FRATELLO MINORE (YOUNGER BROTHER)!?!?!? BENJAMIN!?!?!?"

"ANTONIO!!!" Peter screams, running towards the direction of his brothers voice.

"BENJAMIN!!!" Harley screams, sprinting towards his younger brother.



The twins hug each other for a couple moment then pull apart....... and Peter starts rambling,

"We were in space and these aliens guys came and thought we were working with the grape guy so we started fighting and there was an alien gun to my head at one point but then we realised we were on the same side. Then my name buddy said he liked Footloose, which is so messed up Antonio. Anyways the grape guy, Thanos, yeeted me across the planet after throwing a literal moon at us. Then the wizard guy helped me magic fight the Thanos guy. Then Miss Bug Lady had Thanos calm so we could steal the gauntlet off of his hand. I was so close to having it off of him when my name buddy aggravated grape guy and then we lost the gauntlet. Then the Thanos guy had Dad by the throat and I thought he, he was going to kill him. But then the wizard gave him the time stone and then grape guy vanished. But other than that, I'm okay." Peter said in a span of 5 seconds.

Harley laughed and then said "I'm glad you're alright Benny. Is Mom, Lucia, Dad, Auntie Tasha or Uncle Rhodes here?"

"No, I haven't seen them. They didn't gt dusted. Did- did it hurt you when you got dusted Tonio?" Peter said, hesitantly

"No, it didn't. Right before it felt weird though, like I had butterflies in my stomach." Harley answered. "Why, did it hurt for you? And di la verità (Tell the truth)."

"Sì, mi ha fatto male. Ha fatto così male Antonio. Mi sentivo come se ogni cellula del mio corpo fosse in fiamme. Era come se fossi stato fulminato. Sembrava che le mie membra si stessero strappando. Ha fatto così male fratello maggiore. (Yeah, it hurt. It hurt so much Antonio. I felt as though every cell in my body was on fire. It was like I was being electrocuted. It felt like my limbs were getting ripped apart. It hurt so much older brother.)" Peter answered, not daring to tell his brother about taking away the pain from other people and the fact that it still hurt.

"And is that all Benjamin?" Harley asked in his don't-lie-to-me tone and a raised eyebrow

"No..... I took the pain away from the Star-lord guy and Miss Bug Lady. And I'm still in pain, not as much as before but still in pain." Peter says, softly

"Take off your mask. I have to make sure you're okay and besides, your back is facing the dusted Avengers." Harley said

Peter nodded and then said "Karen, deactivate mask."

As soon as he finished the sentence, the mask disintegrated and you could see Peter's face. It was bruised and had a few cuts on it but other than that it was alright.

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