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real life

two years later...

onyx closed her eyes, taking a deep breath. "no matter what happens, be happy, onyx. just be happy," she muttered to herself before looking down at the test in her hands. she let out a gasp as she read the word "pregnant". she felt tears forming in her eyes, a few rolling down her cheeks. she sat down on the edge of the bath tub in her and charlie's shared bathroom. "oh my god. this is really happening. i'm actually pregnant." she heard the front door open and close. quickly wiping away her tears, she left the bathroom, stuffing the positive pregnancy test in the pocket of her sweatshirt.

"onyx, i'm home," charlie shouted. onyx made her way down the stairs. charlie's eyes lit up as he saw his wife enter the kitchen where he had just sat down at the counter. onyx walked over to him, pulling him into a tight hug. she couldn't stand him not knowing. "are you okay?" charlie said as he pulled away from the hug hearing her sniffle. she looked up at him, tears beginning to form in her eyes again. "baby, what's wrong?"

she pulled out the test and showed it to charlie. "no way," a smile grew on charlie's face. "no. fucking. way. are you serious?" onyx giggled, nodding her head yes. "i'm gonna be a dad. I'M GONNA BE A DAD!" he shouted. "when did you find out?"

"not even five minutes ago."

"oh my god," charlie picked onyx up, spinning her around. "i love you so much."

"i love you too," onyx giggled.

christmas eve, a month later...

charlie and onyx were in idaho visiting onyx's parents for the holidays, along with jeremy and carolynn. they had a plan to go to canada, but charlie's parents planned a getaway last minute.

everyone was sat around the living room. they had just finished dinner with onyx's aunts, uncles, and cousins. every christmas eve, everyone got to open one gift. onyx and charlie handed onyx's parents a box that seemed quite light for how large it was. "you guys go first. it's for both of you." onyx urged her mom and dad.

they tore the wrapping paper off the box before lifting the lid off of it. they laughed at all the tissue paper piled in the box. taking it all out, onyx's mother gasped. "are you serious?" she pulled out the sign, showing it to jeremy and carolynn.

carolynn squealed, "no freaking way." she read over the sign again. it read "30 weeks until baby gillespie." onyx looked over at her father who hadn't said a word. he was in shock. she got up walking over to him and giving him a big hug.

he kissed her on the forehead, "congratulations."

"thank you."

"wow," jeremy said from the other side of the living room. "you still managed to have kids before us."

"better get on that," charlie joked, lightly punching jeremy in the arm. "our baby needs a cousin."

carolynn and onyx's mother had tears running down their faces. "i seriously don't even know what to say. i'm so happy right now."

carolynn spoke up, "congratulations, guys. i'm happy for you."

"you're gonna be a dad, bro," jeremy slapped charlie on the back. "good luck."

one week later...

it was a miracle all of charlie's siblings plus their parents were in the same place at the same time. they agreed on celebrating christmas on new years weekend because that was the only weekend they were able to all be together. onyx and charlie handed charlie's parents their last gift that was under the tree. "this is from onyx and i. it's for both of you so you have to open it together."

they tore the paper off and opened the box, pulling out all of the tissue paper that was sitting on top. charlie's mom did the same gasp onyx's mother did, tears forming in her eyes.

"what? what is it?" meghan, charlie's sister, urged. charlie's father pulled out the same sign, except this time it read "29 weeks until baby gillespie." instead of 30 weeks. "no way. shut up."

"woah, congrats guys," charlie's older brother, patrick, spoke up.

after everyone had gotten over the initial shock, they began to ask more questions.

"when did you guys find out?" meghan asked.

"a little over a month ago. it was like 2 days after thanksgiving," onyx answered.

"and you're just telling us now?" meghan queried.

"yeah, we wanted to keep it to ourselves for a little while."

"when are you due?"

"july fifteenth."

"i'm actually gonna be an aunt," meghan giggled.


i thought this was a cute idea on how to tell their family cause when my sister told us she was pregnant that's how her and her boyfriend told us🥺 thanks for 14k guys i appreciate it so much!

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