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real life

onyx sighed as she flipped on the light switch in her now empty bedroom. today was the day she would be moving to canada with charlie. they would be there for most of a year while he filmed season two of julie and the phantoms and possibly longer. she walked down the stairs with her last box in hands. they were driving from idaho to vancouver since, between the two, they had too much to fly with. onyx's father agreed to let them take his large suv in order to fit all her stuff.

onyx's parents let her sell her bed and dresser for some extra cash for charlie and her could afford new furniture in their new place. "you ready?" charlie took the last box from her hands.

"... no," he looked at her with confused eyes and he shoved the box into the trunk. "i mean, yes, but no. it feels weird. moving, i mean. i've lived in this house my whole life."

"i get it. when i first moved to LA, it was the strangest thing ever. it's gonna be fun," he pulled her into a hug, kissing her forehead. "i love you."

"i love you," she smiled up at the boy.

"where's my hug?" onyx's mother cut in, making her way outside to the two. onyx pulled away from charlie's grip and walked toward her mother who had tears forming in her eyes.

"mom, don't cry. you're gonna make me cry," onyx giggled, hugging her mother. "i'll be home for thanksgiving and christmas and maybe even before that. i won't be gone forever."

"but you will. now that you're moving out for real, you'll never live in my house again."

"mom," onyx began to cry a little. "i love you." she looked at her dad, waving him over to join the hug. "and you, dad." they hugged for a moment before pulling away. onyx's mother stepped over to charlie, hugging him as well. then onyx's father did the same.

"take care of her," he shook charlie's hand.

"for sure. always," charlie smiled at the man. onyx and her boyfriend climbed into the truck. charlie leaned over, giving onyx a peck on the lips before starting the truck up and driving off.

it was nearing midnight and the couple were growing more and more tired. they decided to book a hotel for the night. they would finish the rest of their drive in the morning, still having nearly five hours left.

they plopped down onto the hotel bed, scooting close to each other. onyx wrapped her arms around the boys waist, kissing him on his shoulder. they drifted to sleep quickly.

waking up to the alarm charlie had set, they both groaned knowing it was only six in the morning. they got up, making coffee, before hurrying out the door. they didn't have any change of clothes or really anything at all considering everything was packed away.

stopping at tim horton's, charlie ordered them donuts and more coffee. they sat in the parking lot eating before getting back on the road for the rest of their journey.

onyx was gazing at charlie, watching as he drove. he glanced at the girl, "what?"

"nothing." she continued to look at him. "you're amazing, you know that?"

charlie chuckled, "oh yeah?"


"and why's that?"

"literally everything about you, charlie. you love me like nobody ever has. you kiss me everyday like it's the last time you'll see me. and you always put me first. you don't have to do any of that and you still choose to."

"because i love you. like a lot. like a lot, a lot. hell, onyx, i'm in love with you. you're it for me."


and they're moving to canada!!! hope you guys like this chapter! thanks for the reads 🥺 y'all really are amazing wow <3

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