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real life

charlie was steadily drinking, trying to keep his promise to onyx to not get drunk, but he was failing miserably. jeremy and owen were growing more and more tipsy as the minutes passed, along with the other guys and a few of the girls. "want a drink, onyx?" savannah asked, stumbling over to the girl.

"no thanks." she smelled the alcohol on her friend, cringing. "maybe you should slow down, sav. you've been drinking a lot."

"loosen up a bit, onie. just drink this," savannah tried to push her drink toward onyx, onyx pushing it away.

"i'm good, thanks. i'll be right back," she walked into the kitchen where the guys were. charlie threw his arm around his girlfriend, reeking of beer. she moved his arm, rolling her eyes.

"you want a beer?" he shouted over the loud music.

"when have you ever seen me drink?" onyx was irritated at charlie for breaking his promise.

"dude, she hasn't drank since college. didn't you-"

"stop, jer," she blurted out. he gave her a funny look, but brushed it off, being too drunk to care. charlie raised his eyebrow at her. onyx left the loud crowd and made her way into the balcony where madison and jadah were hanging out, being the only other two not drinking.

"what's up, onyx? not drinking with the others?"

"no, i don't really drink." the other two could sense her irritation.

"everything okay?" jadah showed her concern.

"fine, just a little annoyed is all," madison gave her a look as to tell her to explain further. onyx sighed, "i hate alcohol. it took over my life in high school and part of college. i asked charlie not to drink too much tonight and he promised he wouldn't and now he's hammered."

"does he know about your problem with alcohol?"

"he knows i don't like it, but he doesn't really know why. i guess it was just too hard to talk about with him."

madison gave her a sympathetic look, "maybe, if you're ready, explain it to him. or at least a short version like you just told us. it might change his perception on drinking like that around you."

"yeah, you're probably right. thanks mads." the girls sat out on the balcony for most of the rest of the night.

"good morning," charlie rolled over to his girlfriend who was laying awake, her phone in hand. she didn't answer back, still being angry from the night before. owen, jeremy, carolynn and savannah all slept in the living room, being too drunk to drive home. "what's wrong?"

onyx looked at charlie with an expression that told him to figure it out himself. it was like a lightbulb went off in his brain. "i'm sorry, onyx. i know i told you i wouldn't get drunk and then i did. i wasn't thinking."

"you didn't just tell me you wouldn't. you promised me."

"why does alcohol bother you so much?" charlie asked curiously, but cautiously.

onyx debated on whether or not to tell her boyfriend. "in high school... and college," she was hesitant. "i drank all the time. pretty much every weekend in high school and most nights my freshman year of college. i was an alcoholic, i am an alcoholic. i've been able to have a glass of wine here and there, but i haven't actually drank since i was 20."

"oh my god. i'm so sorry. why didn't you tell me?"

"i guess i was just scared. i wasn't comfortable getting that comfortable with someone. jeremy and my parents are the only people that know about it besides the people i used to drink with. danny kind of knew. he knew i hated alcohol and kinda just figured out why."

"i- god, i feel so stupid," charlie put his head in his hands. onyx reached around, rubbing his back. when he looked up at her, he had tears in his eyes. "i'm so sorry," he choked out. "i'm so sorry that i wasn't there for you and that i broke my promise."

"awh, charlie," onyx pulled him into a hug. "it's okay."

"no," he stopped her. "it's not okay. it will never be okay. i should've been there for you." after he calmed down a bit, he asked her another question. "are you ever tempted to drink?"

"all the time. which is why i got so upset that one time you and jer drank a couple years ago and why i've gotten upset the other couple times you've drank around me and why i got upset last night."

charlie pulled away from the hug, looking down at the girl. he leaned in planting a kiss on her lips. "i'm sorry," he mumbled again.

"how's that hangover?" onyx giggled, pulling away from charlie.

"terrible. i didn't wanna say anything after that," onyx laughed again, leaving another kiss on his lips before getting up.

"stay here," she said.

she walked out into the kitchen, making a large pot of coffee. looking into the living room, she noticed everyone lying awake. "you guys want breakfast? i was gonna order some wafflehouse for charlie and i." they all agreed with a groan, all being hungover. "write down your order. also i made some coffee too." all four of them popped up, making their way to the kitchen and getting themselves some coffee.

onyx stepped into her and charlie's shared bedroom, handing him a mug full of coffee. "thank you."

"i'm gonna order wafflehouse. what do you want?" charlie told the girl his order, sipping on his coffee. he laid back down, falling back asleep quickly, onyx leaving to go pick up the food she had just ordered.

after a ten minute drive to and from wafflehouse, onyx made it back to her apartment. she carried the large bag of food up the stairs to the second floor where her apartment was.

"finally," jeremy groaned as she stepped through the door.

"you're welcome for driving twenty minutes to buy you food."

"yeah, thanks," he groaned again, taking the bag from her.

"god, you're an asshole when you're hungover." charlie emerged from the bedroom, wrapping his arms around onyx's waist.

"thanks for the food," he whispered in her ear. he kissed her ear lob, softly biting it.

"ew, get a room," savannah laughed. jeremy began passing out the food. they all sat in the living room, savannah and onyx on the floor. they flipped on the tv, putting on the office. the groups spent the afternoon watching netflix and eating all the food in the pantry.


uhhh cute filler ig also a little drama ahaha thank you guys so much for 7k that's literally insane 💗

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