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real life

charlie was sweating, thinking about talking to jeremy. him and onyx had been dating for a year and a half. her birthday was coming up and he wanted to surprise her with the perfect gift.

"you alright, buddy?" owen slapped his friends back. "you've been on edge all day."

"yeah, i'm fine," he lied. "have you seen jeremy?"

owen pointed to the other side of the room. they were on set, filming season two of julie and the phantoms. charlie approached jeremy who was talking to savannah. "hey, charlie."

"hi, sav," he waved at her. "can i talk to you, jer?"

"uhh, yeah. i guess." they walked off the set and out to charlie's trailer. "you okay? you look really nervous."

"jeremy, i wanna ask onyx to marry me," he blurted out.

"you... you what?"

"i love her. i'm in love with her. i wanna spend the rest of my life with her. i know you know what that feels like. i mean, look at you and care. the way you look at her. they way you love her. i want that."

"you have that, charlie. i've seen the way you look at my sister. the way you talk to her, care about her. you would be a fool to let that go," jeremy said. "ask her, dude."

"yeah. we're going to idaho next week, i was gonna talk to your dad."

"that might be a smart thing to do," jeremy chuckled.

"i heard you're hanging out with my dad tomorrow," onyx laid down on her bed next to her boyfriend. they were back in idaho for the week, after not being there since christmas. it was almost june, which means onyx's birthday was coming up.

"yeah," charlie sighed, not looking up from his phone. "we're going wake surfing with jeremy and a couple of his friends."


"yeah, he's coming home today."

"why am i the last to know everything?" onyx laughed.

"it was really last minute. he just bought his ticket this morning," charlie explained.

"hey, mr. shada, can i talk to you?" charlie was sweating, his heart racing. onyx's father got up, following charlie outside of the restaurant. they had just paid and were getting ready to leave, jeremy and his friends staying back for a moment.

"what's up, charlie?"

"i just wanted to ask you something," he stumbled over his words a little bit. "i've been with onyx for a year and a half now. i just wanna start by saying that i love her more than anything. all i want is for her to be happy. i want to ask her to marry me-"

the man cut charlie off, "kid, you are so good to onyx. way better than any of her past boyfriends. i owe you a thanks because, even through her mistakes, you stuck by her. you didn't judge her. i see the way you look at her. i believe you really do love her. i say go for it."

"really? thank you, sir," charlie was smiling ear to ear. the other three boys walked out of the restaurant.

jeremy slapped charlie on the back, "so, are we ring shopping?"

"we're ring shopping." a roar of cheering erupted from the three boys.

"that's my boy."

three weeks later...

onyx woke up to the smell of coffee and bacon. she walked out into the kitchen where she found charlie making breakfast. spotting her, his face sank. "no, you weren't supposed to get up yet," charlie said causing onyx to giggle. "go back to bed."

onyx laughed, turning around. charlie stopped her, "onyx," he called after her. "happy birthday." she thanked him, before slipping back into the bedroom, sliding under the covers again.

charlie opened the bedroom door, holding a tray. it was filled with waffles, bacon, and a glass of chocolate milk, along with a bouquet of flowers.

"you're so cute," onyx squealed as he handed her the tray. charlie laid down on the bed next to her, watching her eyes light up as she ate her freshly made breakfast. "thank you, charlie."

"you're welcome. so, what do you want to do today?"

"i think we should go on a hike or something," charlie chuckled at the irony. he had wanted to propose to her on a hike and he had the perfect spot.

"i think that's perfect. and i have the perfect place."



i'm so sorry for the cheesiness, like every other chapter... i didn't really know how i wanted this to go but i like it. anyways, hope you enjoyed this chapter!!

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