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real life

onyx packed up the rest of her clothes. jeremy was still gone for the day and she wasn't ready to talk to him. she was still angry from tuesday night. she was able to avoid the boy the last couple days, spending most of her time at charlie and owen's apartment.

she heard the door open and cringed, hoping charlie would be there to pick her up before jeremy got there. "onyx?" he shouted from the living room. "you still here?"

"yeah. in here." she heard the door to her bedroom open, jeremy peaking his head through.

"can we talk?"

"i guess," onyx sat down on her bed, patting the seat next to her. jeremy sat down next to her.

"listen, i'm sorry. i just worry about you."

onyx rolled her eyes, "yeah, well, maybe you should stop worrying. i'm 21, jer. i can make my own decisions."

"i get that, but danny? really? remember what happened last time?"

"we're just going to lunch," onyx snapped. "it's not like we're getting back together. either way, it's still not your business." onyx felt her phone vibrate. checking it, she saw charlie's name pop up, letting her know he was outside. "i have to go."

she got up, grabbing her suitcase off the bed.
"can i drive you to the airport?"

"charlie's already taking me. sorry."

"well, i guess i'll see you hopefully before christmas."

"yeah, see you, jer." she walked out the door and down the steps to charlie's car. he got out, taking her suitcase and putting it in the trunk. "thanks."

"are you okay?" he asked the girl.

"it's just jer. he's trying to control my life."

"what exactly do you mean by that?" charlie was very curious.

"my ex boyfriend texted me and asked if we could meet up. i told jeremy and he basically told me not to go. he said i'm just gonna end up hurt and that it's not gonna work."

charlie listened intently, "what happened between you guys?"

"me and danny?" charlie nodded his head yes, "i-i cheated on him." charlie looked taken aback. "he's not the first guy either."

"not the first guy you've cheated on?"

"no, he wasn't the last either."

"how many are there?"

"three. i tend to not have the greatest record when it comes to relationships."

charlie seemed a little uncomfortable. he started the car, not continuing the conversation. they drove to the airport in silence. the two got out of the car, charlie grabbing her suitcase from the trunk. he pulled onyx into a hug, "i want you to know that i don't judge you. it's in the past. i was a little thrown off, but most people would be."

"thanks," the girl pulled away from the hug "bye, charlie."

"bye, onyx."


oop the drama continues. what's gonna happen when onyx meets up with danny???? ahhhh okay guys thank you so much for reading. almost 700 reads in a week! that's crazy. keep voting and commenting and even sharing with your friends 💓

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