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real life

charlie and onyx were laying on the couch of their apartment. charlie was scrolling through his instagram when he stopped on an account and started to scroll through it.

"who's that?" onyx questioned, snuggling up to charlie.

"just some guy i used to be friends with in high school."

"oh," she said. "how come you guys aren't friends anymore?"

"he's a prick," charlie chuckled.

"what'd he do?" onyx was becoming invested in the story.

"he cheated on his girlfriend." the girl felt a little uneasy but wanted to know more.

"yeah but that was like six years ago."

"he still cheated, which means he'd probably do it again and again," onyx felt her heart drop. charlie knew about her passed and hearing him say that, even though it wasn't directed at her, still hurt her feelings.

she mumbled, "sure."

charlie furrowed his brows at her. "what's your problem?"

"i don't know, charlie, why don't you tell me." he looked at her with a confused expression. "he cheated. six years later, he's still a prick. what does that make me three years later?"

"babe, i didn't mean it like-"

"oh, i know how you meant it, charlie," she rolled her eyes, getting up from the couch. charlie tried to grab her arm. "don't touch me."

"you're being dramatic. i didn't mean it like that. you know i trust you. i wasn't even talking about you."

onyx snapped, yelling at him "that's not the point. you said what you said, charlie."

"are you being serious right now?" charlie shouted. she ignored him, walking away. she went into her and charlie's shared bedroom, coming out minutes later with her shoes on and her car keys. "i'm going to jer's."

"onyx, please talk to me."

charlie felt his phone vibrate. he ignored it, thinking it was probably onyx. when it vibrated again, he checked it. seeing it was jeremy, he unlocked his phone to check his texts.

'dude, get over here.'

'i'm not kidding charlie'

charlie's heartbeat began to pick up. is onyx okay? what's wrong? he called the boy, freaking out.

"jeremy, what's going on?"

"she relapsed," jeremy said.


"yeah, please get over here. she's spiraling. she said you said something about cheating?"

charlie ignored the last part. he let jeremy know he'd be there in ten minutes. he pulled on his sneakers and grabbed his truck keys.

the boy stepped into jeremy's apartment with caution. "jer?" he called out. jeremy rounded the corner. charlie could tell he had been crying.

"she's in here." charlie walked into the living room where onyx was laying on the couch. she was passed out, a half empty six pack of bud light on the coffee table. charlie felt tears in his eyes. he began to cry, sitting down next to onyx. he rubbed her back, laying his head face down on her shoulder. he cried harder.

"i'm sorry," he whispered. "i'm so sorry."

"hey, it's not your fault," carolynn tried to comfort the crying boy.

"yes, it is. i was being a jerk. if i would've just kept my mouth shut she would've never come here. she would've never drank. she'd probably be home laying on the couch with me and nahkato, but she's here passed out, drunk on your couch."

"we tried to take the beer from her, but it was already half gone when she got here, she laid down on the couch and talked to care about what happened and then passed out. that's when i called you." charlie sat there in silence.

"listen, just stay here tonight. and in the morning you can take her home," carolynn suggested. "i'll get you some blankets and you can sleep on the floor next to her."

"yeah... yeah, okay," charlie kept his eyes on the sleeping girl. "thanks." it was nearly one in the morning and they were all tired. charlie made a bed on the floor and laid down, carolynn and jeremy going to their room.

charlie laid awake, unable to fall asleep. whether it was the uncomfortable floor or the sleeping girl, he didn't know. he drifted to sleep for a short forty-five minutes before waking up when he heard movement. it was carolynn in the kitchen. charlie got up, making his way over there. he noticed the time being seven in the morning. he hadn't realized how much time had passed. looking out the window, he watched as the sun began to rise.

"did you sleep at all?" carolynn asked, handing charlie a cup of coffee.

"nope, i couldn't. i just feel so bad."

"charlie, it's not your fault. i promise you, it is not your fault. you didn't put the bottle in her hand."

"no, but i might as well have," he looked over to the couch, onyx still sleeping soundly. "thanks. for taking care of her last night."

"always. she's my sister." jeremy met the two in the kitchen, pouring himself a cup of coffee.

"do you guys normally wake up this early?" charlie laughed.

"no, but i couldn't really sleep last night so, here i am," jeremy said before taking a sip of the fresh coffee carolynn had just made. "i'm starving."

"me too," charlie and carolynn both agreed.

"how about i get some wafflehouse," jeremy suggested.

"ironic," charlie commented, thinking back to the morning after jeremy's birthday party when onyx had gotten her four hungover friends wafflehouse. "yeah, i could go for that." everyone wrote down what the wanted and jeremy left.

he drove ten minutes to the restaurant. there was quite a long line for it only being seven thirty in the morning. he waited twenty minutes before he could get the food and then left, driving another ten minutes. "sorry, there was such a long wait."

the three of them sat down at the counter, starting to eat, with onyx still passed out on the couch. after an hour of talking and laughing, onyx finally stirred awake. "what time is it?" she stumbled into the kitchen, her hand over her head.

"nine thirty."

she groaned and sat down in the seat next to her brother. "hey, how do you feel?" charlie asked her. she rolled her eyes, probably remember the events of the previous night. "we got you some food."

charlie handed the girl a plate full of waffles, bacon, and sausage. she dived into the food, not saying another word. "can someone make me some coffee?"

jeremy chuckled slightly, "yeah, i got you." he started a fresh pot of coffee for his sister. she scarfed down her food and coffee before laying her head down on the counter.

jeremy rummaged through a cupboard and pulled out a bottle of ibuprofen. he slid onyx four pills and a glass of water. "take this." she looked up, taking the ibuprofen, before putting her head back down. charlie moved next to her, rubbing her back. she reached around, seizing his arm and moving it off of her back.

"onyx, can we talk?"

"i would like nothing more than for everyone to shut up," she looked up at the group, focusing in on charlie. "my head is pounding and i for sure don't want to talk to you."


oops... uhhhh so yeah that happened. anyways i can't thank you guys enough for all the reads we're almost at 10k that's insane i never would've imagined getting that many reads when i first started this story so thank youuuuu 💓💓💓

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