"Catch!" I hear someone say but a ball hits me in the head.

"Oh, sorry!" I hear Nobara pull me away very easily from my thoughts.

I look down and take the ball, accidentally cutting myself with my extended claws. This happened so easily because of that damn 'power word'.

"Don't worry" I force a smile and nod, reclining my nails and looking at the ball before winding up my arm.

I try making it easier for her, but I could hear her heartbeat from here. She was anxious and she was unable to focus.

I throw the ball and she misses again. I sigh, wanting to really see her play and have fun like the rest of us.


It's happening again, but much worse than before. I look at the girl with narrowed eyes. I could see her hands trembling and her legs ready to give out. I resist another step forward towards Mai.

A ball comes from my side and I take it without looking. I was too focused on trying not to kill Mai before, that's why I didn't notice the ball.

Mai's eyes widen due to the fact of my sudden change in reflexes.

I wind up my arm and prepare to shout "Play right!" I throw the ball, this time with her actually trying.

She still misses again "Strike! You're out!"

This is so hard, to resist such a peaceful, hypnotic feeling. Yuji had probably noticed from before but couldn't say anything.

Now, he hops up and jogs over to me as I walk to the benches. "Hey, hey! Are you okay?" Yuji asks me bringing both hands on my shoulders to turn me around.

My eyes stay focused on Mai as she walks away. I cover my eyes and rub them before looking over to Yuji.

"Go" I say sternly, causing his eyes to grow wide.

"W- what? You can talk to me, (Y/n). What's bothering you?" He holds my face gently, looking into my eyes for any answer.

"Don't touch me. Go" The words weren't mine, neither were they of Nariko.

I didn't like saying it, but I couldn't risk hurting anyone, especially Mai. Being the batter makes her my direct target.

They tweaked my hypnotic behaviour many times, I forgot since it became so casual. Here, I learn new things about myself everyday, and this weird word they put in my head... it's turning me back to my past self.

I sit down and on the ground away from my teammates.

"Zero! Is everything okay?" Panda walks towards me. He isn't human, so I guess I don't feel the need to kill him.

"Hey, Panda.. I'm fine" I force a smile and scratch my hand, soon accidentally cutting my forehand. "Ah shit" I let my hand hang while my arm rests in my knees.

I sit with both knees brought up, but not close to my chest. I look up to see Panda walking closer to me with his paws up.

"May I sit?" He asks with his usual smile.

"Sure" I shrug and chuckle.

I feel Yuji's eyes on me. I hope he doesn't think I'm mad at him.

A weight it put on the metal fence I lean on, obviously being the Cursed Corpse beside me. "What's going on?" Panda nudges me and looks at my now healed hands.

"The hands?" I raise my clawed hands and he shakes his head with a chuckle.

"No, on the field! You seemed a bit off" Panda says as he looks over to me with a kept smile.

"Oh.. It's a long story" I look out in the distance where students continue to play.

"You say that a lot" Panda chuckles.

"Because it's hard to explain" I say softly, soon letting out a deep and long held sigh.

"I see... Fushiguro doesn't like to share either y'know. When you guys were gone for those two months, he struggled the moment your names were mentioned. Yuji is different. He's got a simple story, no disrespect, though it's easy to understand. That's not the same for you, is it?" Panda casually speaks. His tone of voice and attitude could make anyone feel comfortable, he's always upbeat, and nothing bothers the guy.

"It's not a simple story.. nor is it a fun one, that one wouldn't want to hear" I scratch my head and look up at him with a smile.

"I like stories, but maybe a time where we aren't playing baseball!" He hops up and pulls me up with him. "They reclined? Awesome! You're a fascinating human" Panda chuckles and pulls me to the benches.

"Well, thank you... I guess I could say that you helped" I smile, though it goes away when I realize I've been sat beside Yuji.

He tries not to look at me, I'm guessing he doesn't want to bother me.

He's so considerate and sweet it makes my heart warm up. I take his hand and gently hold it. I nudge him and as I hear him I whisper. "You did nothing wrong" I pat his hand and hold my own hands as we watch the game.

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