"Whatever.." - Chapter 1

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It was Kaede Akamatsu's first day at Hope's Peak Academy. She was going there as the Ultimate Pianist. Kaede had been looking forward to this day since she was a toddler.

She figured that Hope's Peak would be a breeze for her. Straight A's, lots of friends, getting better at the piano. However, it didn't quite go down as she thought


(Kaede's POV)

I was trying to control my excitement while walking into my new school, but it was hard. I was skipping and smiling ear to ear. As I went to locker 14, (which was mine) I noticed a girl with longish blond hair and a pink dress yelling at a boy with purple hair and a weird checkered scarf.

By the time I got to my locker, the girl came over and opened hers, which was coincidentally right next to mine. I caught myself staring at her. I was quickly stopped though, because she said,

"Whatcha starin' at, piano girl? My tits?!-"

I was caught of guard. "O-of course not!" I replied, a little surprised.

"Don't worry, I'm used to it! They're just so bi-" She was interrupted by the bell.

"Um.. nice meeting you. I have to get to class." I told her

I walked away, a bit flustered. I tried not to look behind me. I went into my English class, and took a seat near the back.

I pulled out a pencil and notebook, ready to start my first ever class at my dream school.

I smelt something that smelt awfully familiar all the sudden.

"Shit." I thought to myself. Did I overuse the perfume my mom bought me? Do I seem ridiculous with this overbearing scent? Why couldn't I ignore it? It's just dollar store rose perfume..

In the midst of my thoughts, my teacher suddenly shouted,

"Alright class! Welcome to your first day here at Hopes Peak Academy. I see many of you have your notebooks out, which won't be necessary. Instead, I want you to put them away and we are going to be introducing ourselves to our classmates. Everyone, I want you to talk to the person behind or in front of you."

I looked in front of me first, and the boy named "Chihiro Fujisaki" was talking to someone in front of them already. So I looked behind me, and there I saw the blonde girl. The one who has a locker right next to me. The one who was yelling at the purple boy.

We made eye contact for a solid 3 seconds before she said,

"What, you just gonna sit there?"

"Uh, no..? Hi, again. My name is Kaede Akamatsu." I replied

"I'm Miu Iruma. I'm the gorgeous girl genius who's good looks and golden brains will go down in history!" She said back, boastfully.

Before I responded to that very full-of-herself remark I noticed something. The good smell wasn't coming from me. It was coming from her. Miu. No one else seemed to realize.

"Wow, cocky much?" I asked, getting out of my comfort zone. If I was being quite honest, she was a little intimidating..

(Miu's POV)

After Kaede said that, I had to act quick so I just pulled a,

"Not like you look any better than be with that lackluster rack!"

I kinda felt bad for saying that. Frankly, the moment she saw Kaede she couldn't stop thinking about her. She was beautiful..

Suddenly, the teacher butted in.

"Hey! Girls, girls, let's not argue, okay? It's time to make friends right now, not insult each other."

"Whatever.." Kaede mumbled under her breath.

Kaede turned back around, seeming like she was trying to ignore me. I would get my payback one way or another.


WC: 611

A/N: I hope you guys enjoyed that first chapter! It wasn't super long but I wanted things to start off gradually.

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