

Now who's copying who? 🙃

U started it old man

Mmm I don't think so

I didn't ask tho

:0 baby's got some lines

Don't underestimate me!

Ur so small I could pick you up and throw you into the river

In Lego city

How did I KNOW you were going to say that

'Lucky guess 🍀'


Taehyung puts on a film and looks over at Yoongi way too busy texting. He doesn't mind but he's curious to know who he's messaging. He'd been messaging this mystery person for over 10 minutes now, that was incredibly unusual for someone like Yoongi.

So, I thought you said Taehyung was there, why u messagin me baby boy, your best friend is there to entertain?

You think I'd let you ever have last say in our conversations? I don't care who's with me, but i, min yoongi, shall never lose to a dork like yourself 👍

Bring it on, little boy 🥺

😾 I could punch you to the andromeda galaxy and back 👊

Would love to see it but we all know I could easily pick you up and put you back in your baby crib😽 (where you rightfully belong 🥰)

StAhP, I'm nOt even That muCh yOungEr 😣

2 whole years baby boy, quite the difference

Bla bla

But wait actually, do you two go to each other's houses and like don't even talk..?

Taehyung is like my brother, dude, I literally haven't even gotten dressed yet but it's not like it's the first time he's seen me wandering my house in underwear anyway, he's my bro yeah?

He's allowed to see you in your underwear and I'm not 😔

Well done, you figured that one out pretty quick all by yourself!


Anyways I gotta go for a minute, don't miss me too much 😚

Will try not to 😘

Ya ya, sure, don't spam me while I'm gone, it'll literally only be a minute, baiii

Ready To Lose?  [yoonkook]حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن