Opening the front door, Adela stepped out onto the front porch and looked around before she turn around to lock the door with a force that had it shaking on the hinges. "That's for fucking my door up bitch" she spat lowly as turned the knob of door, opening it again only to slam it back harder than she did before.

"Now who the hell!!" she heard Malia shout from inside, that had her cackling like a psychiatric patient from a psych ward; with the way her head was thrown back shaking, hands clapping and feet stomping. She was no doubt a comical sight, even though the reason behind her behaviour wasn't.

Hearing footsteps approaching from the other side of the door, she stiffled her laughter and turned around dashing down the front steps and through the rusted gates that she made sure to slammed on her way out too.

Halting her footsteps when she was a couple houses down from hers, Adela shook her head snickering at shenanigans as she took her time walking down the sidewalk. Surveying her surroundings from underneath her hoodie, she walked around a small water puddle that was caused by the heavy rainfall in the uneven roads. And even though it was a rainy day out, the weather didn't stop the residence of Jacksonville from staying inside as she saw people still out and about doing the usual.

Seeing a group of boys up ahead, Adela kissed her teeth, preparing herself for the onslaught of toxic masculinity and misogynist approach.

Pulling the hoodie of her jacket more over her head, Adela guard was up as she neared the group, deciding at last minute to walk around-instead of through them to avoid any possible conversation, even though she knew that wouldn't stop them from doing so.

Minding her own business with her head faceforward, she heard the wolf whistles and didn't even bothered to blink her eyes in their direction as she walked passed them, the catcalls  rolling in.

"Aye ma, let me holla at you for a sec"

"Wasgud shawty"

"Ouwee girls with no ass, could still pass"

"Let me put the tip in ma, just the tip and I'll dip" commented another person.

To say she was disgusted and uncomfortable would be an understatement.

"Aye, aye y'all don't that look like that rocky girl" she heard one of them whisper not so subtedly making her rolled her eyes.

"Oh shit, nigga you for real? nah you lying" another stated in disbelief and she couldn't help but mock him.

"Nigga that's her, I think she kin to lil Rubi or something...ask her yo!"

"Hey ma! ain't chu' the lil neighborhood celeb?" she heard this one guy asked as he jogged up beside her. Bold she thought as he was the only one out of the bunch to approach her. She ignored him as he continued to talk, hoping he would get the message and leave her alone. But instead, he did the complete opposite by grabbing onto her hands making her footsteps halt.

Smacking her teeth Adela turned around snatching her hands out of his grip. "Fuck is wrong withchu" she snapped looking him up and down like he was stupid; which he was.

"Chill ma, I just wanted to talk to you" she recognize his voice as the person who made the first catcall.

"And I don't, but of course you didn't get the message when I ignored you" she wrinkled her nose at the guy,
"Grabbing on me and shit" she added curling her lips up at him.

"Damn girl, allat stank ass attitude for what?"

"No wonder niggas disrespect females like you....swea y'all be doing way too fucking much bitching for no reason," he spat vehemently.

THE SHADES OF MY LOVE (ON HOLD)Where stories live. Discover now