Chapter 3 - Don't Do Anything Stupid

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Edmund took a deep breath as he rolled over in his bed, opening his eyes. It was obviously morning now, seeming as he could see the sun shining through his windows. Sitting up and rubbing at his eyes, he looked at the clock, 9:15. He and Lucy were leaving the castle at 10, and the four of them were having breakfast at 9:30, so he had woken up just in time.

"Ouch." Edmund said, getting out of bed, his foot landing on something hard. Looking down, he saw it was his book. Sighing, he reached down and picked it up. "I swear I'll never get to finish this thing!" He muttered, before heading off to the bathroom.


"Morning, Ed!" Lucy said excitedly when Edmund walked into the dining room for breakfast. She jumped up from her seat and gave him a big hug.

"Morning , Lu." Edmund said, smiling down at his sister as he hugged her back.

She smiled up at him before pulling away and returning to her seat, as Edmund took his place in his own chair.

"Morning, Susan. Peter." Edmund said, as he put some toast on his plate.

"Morning, Ed." Susan said, with a smile.

"Morning." Peter said, taking a sip of his juice. "So," he began a moment later. "What do you two have planned for today?"

Lucy smiled widely. "Well, we're going riding through the Western woods, and we plan on stopping at the river. Then, we'll have a picnic lunch that I've prepared. After that, we're going to take a walk through the woods, just because I love looking at all the trees in the fall. When we get back, we plan on watching the sunset at the beach, which I've always loved."

"So, you'll be back by sundown?" Susan asked.

"We should be, yeah." Edmund said.

"I do wish Susan and I could come though." Peter said. "But I've got a meeting this morning, and I know Susan has some things to do for the Harvest Ball."

Susan nodded.

"It's alright." Lucy said. "Perhaps we can all go out riding after the ball?" She suggested.

"Certainly, Lu." Peter said. "We've gone riding in the fall every year, and this year will be no exception. I promise we'll do it soon."

Lucy smiled at her brother, before going back to her food.

The four sat in comfortable silence for the next few minutes, until everyone had finished. Then they all stood up from the table, walking to the corner of the large room.

"I'll go grab the food." Lucy said. "You have everything you need, Ed?"

"Yup." Edmund breathed.

Lucy nodded before rushing off.

Susan smiled at Edmund before wrapping her arms tightly around him. Edmund sighed as he hugged her back, he normally wasn't much for affection, but he decided to let Susan have this one. He just felt like he needed to.

"Love you, Ed." She whispered.

"Love you too, Su."

Susan took a deep breath as they pulled apart, smiling at him. "Please be careful."

"We will." Edmund nodded, returning the smile.

He turned around when he felt his shoulder being squeezed.

Peter smiled at him, before wrapping his arms around him in a bone-crushing hug.

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