Chapter 31 - I'm Real

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Susan and Lucy slowly started walking towards their brother, but Edmund's feet felt glued to the ground.

Peter smiled at his sisters, and his smile only widened as Lucy began running towards him. She immediately jumped into his arms, and Peter lifted her up, spinning her around.

They hugged for an entire minute, before Lucy finally pulled away, and Peter put her back on the ground. But they didn't let go of each other.

"Peter?" Lucy said, tears streaming down her cheeks as she looked into his eyes.

"Yeah." Peter breathed, smiling widely, tears in his own eyes. "It's me, Lu."

She smiled widely at him, once again wrapping him in a huge hug. "I've missed you so much."

"I've missed you too, Lu." Peter said.

After another 30 seconds, the two finally pulled apart again. They smiled at each other for a moment before Peter turned to Susan.

She just watched with wide eyes, wondering if what she was seeing was even real. "Peter?!" She said, looking completely shocked.

Peter nodded, taking her hands in his, and kissing them gently.

Susan stared down at his hands in hers, her eyes wide. She then looked back up at her brother, before throwing her arms around his neck, holding onto him tightly.

Peter hugged her back, burying his face in her shoulder.

Tears streamed down Susan's cheeks, as she wondered how in the world this could be real, but she just held her brother tightly anyway.

They pulled apart after a long while, smiling at each other.

"How?" Susan finally asked.

"I'll tell you all later." Peter replied. "All that matters right now is that I'm here."

Susan smiled at him, nodding as she wiped her tears away.

Peter gently wiped her tears away with his thumb, and Susan gave him a grateful smile. He then turned around, seeing that Edmund still stood in the same spot he had been a few minutes ago. Peter sighed slightly as he walked over to his brother, Susan, Lucy, and Aslan slowly following.

"Edmund?" Peter said gently, walking up to his brother.

Edmund stared at his brother, eyes wide and full of tears, mouth open, and a look of pure shock on his face. "Peter?!" He barely whispered, after staring at him for a very long time, still unsure if this was real or not.

"Yeah, Ed." Peter said. "It's me. I'm alive."

Edmund stared at him, as he began taking deep breaths. He wanted nothing more than to wrap his arms around Peter and hug him forever, but he was so scared that Peter would just disappear, the second he did this. After all, that always happened in his dreams.

After a while, Peter realized that Edmund was still shocked, and trying to decide if he was real. So he sighed, and slowly wrapped his arms around Edmund. "It's me, Ed. I'm here, and I'm real."

A couple moments later, Edmund relaxed into Peter's arms, letting out a content sigh as he hugged his brother. "Peter." He said, tears streaming down his cheeks.

Peter couldn't believe Edmund was hugging him so tightly, Edmund never hugged anyone this tightly. I guess that just showed how much he'd missed his brother.

"You're alive." Edmund sobbed. "You're really alive."

"Yeah." Peter replied. "I'm really alive."

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