Chapter 9 - I Will Keep My Promise

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Susan's eyes widened and she gasped loudly.

Lucy stared at Edmund in horror, tears filling her eyes as she brought a hand up to her mouth.

Peter's breathing picked up speed, his eyes widening. He looked up at his sisters, who had the same worried  looks on their faces. "We need some help in here!" He shouted.

Mr. Tumnus ran in about two seconds later, looking very concerned. "Your Majesty?!" He asked quickly.

"Get Willow in here now! Tell her it's urgent and to bring help!" Peter said quickly.

Tumnus looked very worried but didn't question the order. "Right away sir." He said, before quickly running from the room.

"Something is really wrong." Susan choked.

"I know." Peter said, swallowing hard.

Their  heads shot up when Willow ran into the room about two minutes later. "What happened?" She asked quickly, as she made her way to the bed and immediately began examining Edmund.

"He just coughed up blood." Peter answered.

Willow's eyes widened. "When?!" She asked quickly.

"Less than 5 minutes ago." Answered Susan.

"Did he wake up at all when it happened? Before or after?"

"No. Not once." Said Peter.

Willow nodded, looking over at the door when more healers walked in. "Over here, quickly." She said to them. "We need to get him to the infirmary. Urgently."


About an hour later, the Pevensies were right outside Edmund's room at  the infirmary. Susan and Lucy were  sitting down, waiting anxiously, and Peter was pacing the hallway. As he always did when he was nervous.

"He'll be alright, Peter." Susan said.

Peter stopped pacing and looked at her. "You don't know that." He said, before pacing again.

"Willow is the best healer in Narnia. Edmund's in good hands."

"She still doesn't even know what's wrong with him though! No one does!"

"Ollie thinks  he's on to something." Susan said.

"But that doesn't help Edmund now."

Susan sighed, "He's gonna be okay, Peter" she said. "He has to be." She whispered, but Peter still heard.

He stopped pacing again and looked at her, nodding ever so slightly after a moment.

Lucy sighed, leaning her head back against the wall, and closing her eyes. Please Aslan. She prayed. Let Edmund be okay. Give Willow and the other healers the wisdom to heal him, and find out what's wrong. And help Ollie get to the bottom of this. Please.

Peter took a deep breath two minutes later, looking into the room. "They've been in there an awful long time."

No sooner had Peter said this, did Willow walk out.

Peter immediately stopped pacing and walked over to her.

Susan tapped Lucy on the shoulder (because her eyes were still closed.) Lucy opened her eyes, jumping up when she saw Willow, followed by Susan.

"How is he?" Peter asked quickly.

Willow took a deep breath, looking at the 3 monarchs, with sympathy in her eyes. "He's stable now. But I'm afraid-" she stopped suddenly, closing her eyes.

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