Chapter 2 - Blueberry Jam

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"Like I've told you before Ed, Narnia's not going to run out of toast."

Edmund smirked at his little sister, before scarfing down two more bites, finishing his 3rd piece of toast. "This blueberry jam is amazing Susan."

She smiled at her younger brother. "Thanks, Edmund. I spent a few hours picking blueberries yesterday afternoon, before finally making it. I came up with the recipe myself."

"Well, whatever you did, do it again." Edmund said before taking a drink of his orange juice. "It's delicious."

Susan smiled at him.

"Will you pass the grapes Lucy?" Edmund asked.

"Sure." Lucy replied.

"Thanks." Edmund picked up a large grape from the bowl.

"Ow!" Peter exclaimed, looking up from his eggs at his brother, who just hit him in the head with a grape. "What was that for?"

"That's for being late for breakfast." Edmund replied, shaking his head. "Especially when Susan made homemade jam for us."

"Edmund, you're late for breakfast nearly every day! You always oversleep!"

Edmund shook his head. "Not today. I woke up this morning, bright and early."

Peter raised an eyebrow at his brother. "Why?" He asked slowly.

"For the jam of course!" Edmund said, grabbing, and eating yet another piece of toast topped with blueberry jam.

"So, you'll get out of bed early for food, but not to wish your brother a happy birthday?"

"First off," Edmund started, finishing his bite of toast before continuing. "Yes. I will always get up early if it involves food. Second. You're birthday lasts 24 hours, why must I get up at the crack of dawn to tell you happy birthday?"

"Maybe because I was fighting in a small battle the next day, and had to leave that night!"

"Ah, yes." Edmund said, taking a bite of his eggs. "Night. Not morning. Plus, I tried to go with you, but you wouldn't let me."

"You had a sprained shoulder from a battle a few weeks before, Ed! You couldn't even hold your sword!"

"All the more reason for me to sleep in."

Peter sighed heavily, "You're hopeless, Ed." But, he was still smiling slightly.

Edmund merely smirked, though Susan and Lucy were both chuckling.

"Oh." Lucy said, a few moments later. "Can anyone go out horse riding with me today? The leaves have started falling off the trees, and I really want to see them."

"I have a hearing this afternoon, but I'll go with you tomorrow." Edmund said, looking at his sister.

"That works!" Lucy said happily. "Thanks, Ed."

"No problem." He replied, taking a drink of his juice. Edmund stood up a moment later. "I've got some notes I need to look over before my hearing. So, I'll see you guys later?"

"See ya."
"Bye, Ed."
"See you later."


"Hey." Peter said as Edmund walked up to him once the hearing was finished. "How'd it go?"

"It went well I suppose. It was actually an interesting case." He smiled slightly.

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