Chapter 23 - Be Strong and Courageous

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"Do you really think Edmund can survive until tomorrow?" Lucy asked, later that evening.

Peter sighed sadly, looking up from Edmund and locking eyes with Lucy. "I'm not sure." He said honestly. "He's dying, and I know it. His breathing is so slow, and labored, and his heart isn't beating nearly fast enough."

"I'm linked with his life." Lucy said. "I can feel his pain, and he's in so much of it. It's a struggle for him to keep breathing, but he's trying. He's really trying. But it's difficult. He's dying Peter. He's dying, and he's dying quickly, and painfully."

Peter took a shaky breath as he looked down at Edmund, tears filling his eyes. "You're sure? You're positive that he's really dying, and in that much pain."

Lucy nodded. "I am." She choked out. "I can just feel it."

Peter sighed sadly. "What do we do?"

Lucy bit her lip. "I don't know. I don't think there's anything we can do."

"There must be something we can do!" Peter exclaimed. "We can't let him die!"

"But what?" Lucy asked. "There's nothing we can do until Susan gets here with the water."

Peter thought for a moment. "What if I go ahead and do the sacrifice now?"

"What?!" Lucy asked, sounding shocked.

"We do the sacrifice now, then Susan can give Edmund the water when she gets here."

"Peter, doing the sacrifice right now won't change anything. All that will do is unlink our lives, it won't make Edmund any better. The water is the only thing that can do that."

Peter shut his eyes, letting out a sigh. "You're right." He said. "I guess there isn't really anything we can do."

Lucy shook her head. "No. We just have to wait for Susan to get here. And hope and pray that Edmund can hold on until then."

"Do you know if he can make it through the night?" Peter asked. "Like, can you feel it?"

"If he has the strength to hold on, I think he can."

Peter nodded. "We have to help him find the strength then."

"Yeah." Lucy said, taking Edmund's hand in hers, as two tears ran down her cheeks. "We do."

And so, that's what they did. Peter and Lucy never once left Edmund's side. They were constantly talking to him, telling him he had to be strong, and that the pain would end soon. Even though they had no idea if he could hear them or not.

Lucy got much sicker as the night went on. She threw up 3 more times, and developed a terrible cough. She'd spent most of her time lying next to Edmund, because it took a lot of strength for her to sit up. And she could feel herself becoming weaker and weaker. Especially after she threw up each time, she could just feel the energy draining from her. As Edmund got worse, she did too. She knew she had more time left than he did, but she didn't think it would be much time, not with how she was feeling right now.

That night, Lucy looked over at Peter, who had just fallen asleep a few minutes ago. Then, she took Edmund's hand, looking up at him.

"Hey, Ed." She whispered, so as not to wake Peter. "I know how much pain you're in. Trust me I do, because I can feel it. I know how much harder it probably is for you to hold on, than for me. But I really need you to, okay. So do Peter and Susan. It won't be for much longer, just until Susan gets here with the water. She's gone through a lot to get it, so that she can save you. But, think how sad she will be if you're already gone when she gets here. She'd be completely devastated. So would Peter. And so would I. We don't want to lose you, Edmund. And if you die, I'll die too. And then we'll be leaving Peter and Susan alone. I don't think either of them could live with themselves if we both died. I think it would destroy Peter, because the most important thing to him is protecting us. And this time, he has a way to protect us, and save us. He can't save us though if you don't keep fighting. And Susan, she would be heartbroken, Ed. She's come so far, traveling to Aqua Translucent, facing those hags. Now she's walking to the stone table, to get the water to you in time. And she's doing her best to get here soon. So she can save you, and we can reverse the spell. But Edmund, you, have to try your best to hold on until she gets here! You have to fight this spell! Don't let the hags win. I know it's hard, but you're so strong Ed. So strong. And brave. Fight with everything in you, and be strong and courageous. Hold on just a little bit longer, until Susan gets here. If you can do that, I promise everything will turn out just fine."

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