Chapter 16 - Because I Love You

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Susan swung her head around when she heard a knock at her bedroom door. She placed the clothes she had been packing on her bed, before walking over and opening it.

"Peter." She said, smiling a little when she saw her brother. "Come in."

Peter sighed as he walked inside, stepping away from the door as Susan shut it.

"I was just packing for tomorrow." She said.

Peter nodded. "Can we talk?" He asked, looking at the floor.

Susan stared at him, swallowing hard. She had been trying to distract herself, putting off thinking about this. But, she supposed she had to do it sometime. And now was that time.

"Yeah." She choked "Want to do it on the balcony?"

"Sure." Peter said.

The two walked outside, breathing in the cool night air, as they each tried to calm their pounding hearts.

It was silent for a couple of minutes, before Peter spoke.


"I don't want to do this." She choked, closing her eyes and trying to force her tears back.

Peter sighed, looking at Susan. "I don't want to either, but we have to."

Susan let out a shaky breath, turning to face Peter. "Okay." She finally said, hesitation lacing her voice.

Peter smiled wetly at her, taking hold of her hands. "Su, you are a wonderful sister, and you always have been. You're so caring and gentle to me, Edmund and Lucy, and to everyone. You are a wonderful queen, and Narnia needs you, and is lucky to have someone who cares so much about her people. Thank you for being there for me when I needed it. You've always taken care of me when I've been injured in battle, or ill. And you always do it willingly, with love, and grace. Susan, you've grown into a strong, beautiful, kind, caring young woman. You are an amazing sister, not only to me but to Edmund and Lucy too. You have always helped me take care of them, and I am so grateful for that, and for everything you've done for me. I love you more than you will ever know Susan. I love you so, so, so much."

Susan stared at Peter, tears streaming down her face, that she could no longer hold back.

Peter gently wiped her tears away. "Oh, no Su. Don't cry." But he was struggling to keep his own tears at bay."

This only caused Susan to cry harder, she started sobbing, wrapping her arms tightly around Peter.

He immediately returned the embrace, holding his sister as tightly as he possibly could.

"I love you so much Peter." Susan choked. "You are the greatest big brother I could have asked for. You have been like my rock since the moment I was born, and I know you will continue to do that until your very last breath. Thank you for being there for me through thick and thin, and when I need absolutely anything. I know I can always count on you."

Susan held onto him for a few more seconds, before slowly pulling away. Though she kept her hands on his shoulders.

Peter smiled slightly at her.

Susan returned the smile, sniffling, before she continued. "You are so brave, but you are also kind. And you care about your family more than anyone I have ever known. You always put the needs of your family and your people above your own. You are the strongest High King Narnia will ever know, and you are certainly the most caring. You have the most noble heart, I have ever known. Thank you for being who you are, and don't ever change Peter Pevensie. Keep being the kind, noble, brave, chivalrous, loyal, strong, caring, magnificent, brother, king and person that you are. Because he is the most amazing brother I could ask for. I love you so much Peter. So, so much."

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