Chapter 7 - You Have My Word

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It had been 3 days since Ollie began researching everything he could about dark magic and hags. Unfortunately, he had yet to figure out exactly what was wrong with Edmund.

Everyone was working tirelessly to figure out what was going on with the young king, and why he still hadn't woken up yet.

Ollie was researching about everything he could day and night. He'd learned everything there was to learn about hags, dark magic, and the type of spells or curses they perform. Now all he had to do was figure out which one was affecting Edmund.

Lucy was even doing research. She had asked Ollie if she could look into some of his books, hoping she could help Edmund in some way.  She felt responsible for what happened to Edmund too, since horse riding had been her idea. So she was doing everything she could to figure out what was wrong with him, because she blamed herself for what had happened. Of course, she stayed right next to Edmund while doing her research and refused to leave his side.

Susan was taking care of Edmund like a mother takes care of her child. She was always checking his temperature, and placing cool cloths to his head. (Even though he hadn't ran a fever.) She fluffed his pillows, and covered him in blankets. She would sit beside him and hold his hand, talking to him, and sometimes even singing.

Peter was always trying to help Edmund in any way he could. He made sure Ollie and the healers were doing absolutely everything in their power to figure out what was wrong with him. He was also constantly in contact with Oreius, and his search party for the hags. They hadn't found them yet, but they had been looking day and night. Peter had a robin taking messages back and forth from Cair to the woods, so that he always knew exactly what was happening.

Lucy looked up from the book about hags she had been reading, when Edmund's bedroom door opened. "Hey." She said as Peter walked in.

"Hey." He breathed, taking a seat on Edmund's bed opposite Lucy. "How is he?"

Susan sighed sadly from the chair next to Edmund's bed that she was currently sitting in. "Still no change. The healers just looked him over a few minutes ago."

Peter shook his head sadly, looking at Edmund. "He's been unconscious for nearly a week!"

"I know." Susan said.

"What did the letter from Oreius say?" Lucy asked.

"They still haven't found anything." Peter said.

"The search party has been looking for a week." Susan said. "Don't you think they should come home and get some rest and then search again?"

"They've been switching out every three days." Peter exclaimed. "So everyone gets a few days of rest, but someone is always out looking."

Susan nodded.

"Did you find anything Lu?" Peter asked, nodding at the book in her hand.

"No." Lucy breathed, shutting it. "But I think Ollie said he might be close to finding something."

Peter took a deep breath. "I want to know the second he finds out anything."

Lucy nodded. "He'll tell us right away." She said. "He promised he would."

"Alright." Peter breathed.

They sat in silence for a couple of minutes before Lucy sneezed.

"You alright, Lu?" Susan asked.

"I'm fine." Lucy replied, sniffling a bit.

Susan nodded slightly, taking hold of Edmund's hand. But she frowned when she realized it was cold. She put a hand on his forehead, taking a deep breath when it felt warm. She looked up at her siblings, who were staring at her, anxious looks on their faces. "He has a fever."

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