Chapter 18 - He Wished He Could Be There

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"We need to stop now." Peter said, an hour later. "Edmund really needs to rest."

Lucy nodded as Spirit came to a stop. "I do too. I'm getting really nauseous." She climbed off of Diamond, and went to sit underneath a nearby tree.

It took a couple of minutes, but Peter eventually managed to get Edmund off of Phillip. He carefully lifted him into his arms and walked over to the tree Lucy sat beneath, gently lying Edmund on the ground beside him.

The horses walked off a little ways and began grazing.

"How you feeling?" Peter asked Lucy, as he opened the bag of medical supplies.

Lucy opened her mouth to answer, but suddenly her eyes went wide, and she ran behind the tree, throwing up violently.

Peter jumped up, walking behind the tree, and placing a hand on Lucy's back. He held her hair back, whispering assumingly to her.

Once she'd finished, Peter wrapped an arm around her, as they went back to the tree and sat down.

Lucy sighed heavily as she sat, closing her eyes and leaning her head against the tree.

Peter placed a hand on her forehead. "You've got a fever." He said.

"I feel terrible." Lucy replied.

Peter grabbed a cloth from the bag, wetting it and placing it against Lucy's forehead. "This should help the fever."

Lucy nodded, coughing a little bit. "How is Ed?"

"He's breathing very heavily, which is probably from the horse riding. His fever is even higher than before, he's sweating a lot. This horse riding is a lot for him to take in this state."

"It's a lot for me too, and I'm not even as sick as he is."

Peter sighed, placing a cloth to Edmund's head, hoping to bring down his temperature. "You should get some rest, Lucy. You need it."

"We'll need to carry on soon." Lucy said.

"We have plenty of time." Peter replied. "Susan won't be at the stone table for 5 days, and it doesn't even take that long to get there. Get some sleep. I'll wake you for lunch, and then we carry on."

"Alright." Lucy breathed. "Don't forget to look after Edmund though."

"When have I ever forgotten to look after any of you?" Peter said, chuckling slightly.

"Good point." Lucy said, before closing her eyes and eventually drifting off to sleep.


"Thanks again for coming along Spirit." Susan said.

"Of course, Queen Susan." Spirit replied. "I am happy to help. It broke my heart seeing what those horrid hags did to your brother and sister."

"Mine too." Susan replied. "I can't believe anyone would do that to somebody, let alone a king and queen of Narnia."

"Hags are terrible creatures." Ollie said. "Since the beginning of Narnia, they have sided with Jadis. Which is the reason they all practice dark magic."

"Why would they choose to side with Jadis?" Susan asked.

"I'm not sure." Ollie answered. "Nobody truly knows."

Susan sighed slightly.

"So how far is Aqua Translucent again?" Spirit asked after a moment.

"About 3 days." Ollie answered.

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