Chapter 19 - Nothing Has to be Easy to be Possible

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2 Days Later


"It would be wise to to stop for the night, my queen." Ollie said. "It's very late, and we need plenty of rest tonight, so we can arrive at Aqua Translucent tomorrow.

Susan looked up at the sky, only now noticing that it was dark, and late. "Okay, we can stop here for the night."

Spirit stopped trotting, and Susan dismounted her. The three of them made their way to a large tree off to the side, all sitting beneath it.

"How far away is Aqua Translucent from here?" Spirit asked.

"Not too far." Ollie replied. "We should be there by tomorrow evening."

"Perfect." Susan said.

"It is likely that we will run into one, or multiple hags though. We must be extra cautious." Ollie said.

"Do you think they'll try and stop me from getting any water?" Susan asked.

"I'm sure they will. We must do our best to persuade them to let us have some, but that will not be easy."

"How will we persuade them?" Asked Spirit.

"We could try telling them that the pond doesn't belong to them, it is in Narnia after all. They do not own it, though they like to believe they do." Ollie explained.

"What if they won't let us have the water?" Spirit asked.

"We have to get it." Susan said. "Edmund and Lucy will die if we don't, and Peter will never forgive me."

"Then we must do whatever we can to get this water." Spirit said, holding her head up high.

"Let's not just kill them though." Susan said. "Not unless it's self defense. We shouldn't just walk up to them and kill them, even if they are hags who practice dark magic. That's wrong."

"I agree." Ollie said. "But, I feel there is something I should warn you about."

"What is it?" Susan asked.

"It is very likely, that the hags will try and go after you.  You're the one getting the water, and they will not take a liking to that at all. And you're a queen of Narnia. They might want to harm you simply because of that."

Susan took a deep breath, before nodding slowly. "I will make sure my bow is ready."

"That would be wise, Your Majesty." Ollie replied. "Spirit." Ollie turned to the horse, who was listening intently. "We must guard Queen Susan extremely carefully, for she is our queen, and it is our job to protect her. We cannot let anything happen to her. Never take your eyes off of her, or any of the hags. We must not leave her side."

Spirit immediately nodded, before turning to Susan. "I will guard you with my life, Your Majesty."

"Thank you Spirit." Susan said, smiling gently at the horse. "And thank you too, Ollie. But, I can look after myself, I assure you."

"I have no doubt about that." Spirit said. "You're more skilled with a bow than anyone in Narnia. But, it is simply our job to protect you, because you are our queen."

Susan nodded, understanding. They were right after all. Some people in Narnia had no other job than to protect one of the four monarchs. Although, all of the Pevensies firmly believed none of their lives were more valuable than anyone else's. But, they were royalty, so someone had to protect them at all times. That was just how it worked.

"Okay." She said after a moment. "But please, don't forget to look after yourselves as well."

Both of them nodded, although they knew they would put Susan's life above their own. Though she probably already knew that.

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