The hug. [12 part 2]

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"Don't..Don't leave me..Please.."

"O-Oh?" Amity blurted out, her face quickly heating up.


"I-I mean I have (want) to take care of you so I have (desperately want) to stay-"

Luz leaned in her palm, the witch letting out quiet purrs. "Cold..Feels good.."

Amity smiled nervously, not knowing how she'd get out of this one. "I ehm- Thought you had a crush on Amelia?"

Luz gazed at her, the human getting nervous. "I'm gunna go-" Amity blurted out, pulling her hand back.

The witch grabbed her wrist, letting out a whimper. "Stay..Please.."

"I-I think my siblings are calling me-"


The human slid her hand out, the witch grabbing her wrist again. "What's that? You need me to leave Luz alone for now? I'll be right there! See? They need me-"

Luz let her go, laying back down, being pouty. "Get out.."

"Well I have to put the towel on your forehead before I do that-"

The witch hissed quietly, covering her face with the blanket. "Your hands.. Were fine as is.."

Amity dipped the towel in the bowl of water, wrung out some water, pulled the blanket down from the witch, and gently pressed the damp cloth up against Luz's cheek. The witch purred, laying on her back as Amity placed it on her forehead. "There."

"I hate it..Get it off.."

"You're purring."

Luz hissed quietly, Amity cupping her cheek, the hissing stopping abruptly. "I'll be downstairs."

The witch whimpered, nodding slowly. Amity pulled her hand back, going over to the door, opening it, leaving, and closing it behind herself. She went back downstairs, her siblings both defending Prince after he accidentally dropped something that didn't even break. "All three of you combined gives me a headache just thinking about the trouble you'd get in." Amity muttered.


Around an hour later, Amity went back up to Luz's room, went in and over to her. "Amity..?"

"Hey sleepyhead, time to take your medicine."

The witch whined, getting excited just because the human was with her. "Hug..Hug!"

"You want a hug? Do you want me to get Prince?"


"Hug from me?"

Luz nodded, Amity cupping her cheek with her left hand. "Well you're sick, so I can't hug you."

The witch whimpered, taking off the towel. "Hug.."

"Sorry, can't."



"Amity.." Luz mumbled, her ears drooping down.

"No, don't you dare use my own name against me." The human blurted out, looking away as a light blush spread on her face.

Luz whimpered very well about to use her name against her; "Amity.. Please give me a hug.."

The blush darkened, the human trembling slightly. "I can't, you're pretty sick..-"

The witch sniffled, flipping over and cowering in her pillow. "Luz- Wait- I'll give you a hug-"

"No..You lost your chance.."

"Don't give me that attitude!" Amity huffed, placing her hand on her shoulder.

The witch went stiff, hearing that in an all too familiar voice. "I'm sorry.." Luz whispered, pulling the blanket over her face. "Really sorry..I didn't mean to.."

Amity pulled her hand back, knowing that signal well. She moved to the other side where Luz now was, kneeling down beside the bed. "Who hurt you this much..?" Amity questioned quietly, moving the blanket down.

The witch trembled, glancing at the human before averting eye contact. "You don't have to tell me right now, you'll tell me when you're ready.."


Amity got up, sitting on the bed and holding her arms out. Luz swiftly got up, jumping in her arms and nuzzling in to her shoulder. "Warm.." Luz mumbled, letting out purrs.

The human blushed profusely, keeping her squeals inside. "Yep- I'm pretty warm- Glad you like it-" She babbled.

Luz hummed quietly, her purrs growing. "You're so cute-" Amity whispered.



The witch yawned, pushing her down and laying on her chest. "Night Boscha.."

"B-Boscha?" 'I'm going to kill this witch for lying to me-'

"Make pawsome tacos when I wake up..Love you.."

Oh- Amity are you okay? You're looking pretty red- Amity? Hello? Why is blood dripping from your nose- Blight- Blight- OH MY GOD STOP BLEEDING- AMITY- AMITYYY!

To be continued.

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