Boring? [6]

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2 weeks later

"Luz! There you are!" Willow sighed heavily, catching her breath as she approached.

"Willow are you okay?" Luz asked, helping her steady herself.

Willow panted, grabbing on to Luz's arm. "There's a new student, so I'll be back by 4th period okay?"

Luz sighed in relief. "Thought a bad thing happened, okay. By fourth period! No later!"

Willow nodded, Luz patting her shoulder. "I'll catch up to you later, nice hair by the way- Okay bye!" She waved, rushing to the front office.

Luz frowned slightly, both her friends were gone today. Well for most of the day, she had gotten a bit close with Amity, but wouldn't call her a friend. Though, she still bullies her quite a bit. She had actually gotten a bruise on her arm from trying to deflect a hit.

The human had sent some of her bigger male friends to keep her away and silent about the incident. 'Ah- Already here-' Luz opened the door, heading inside.

She sat down in the front row, but in the corner. She rested her head in her arms, the teacher coming in. "Hey Luz, rough week?"

The witch nodded, her ears going down slightly. "I want to be friends with Amity but she seems to like picking on me an awful lot. Am I a nuisiance..?"

"Heavens no, you're an extraordinary kid Luz. She doesn't seem to like you for her own reasons, be it personal or popularity wise."

Luz sighed, her sigh turning in to a groan. "Winter's coming up and I'm nowhere near ready for the dance."

"That's in three months and two days.." The teacher mumbled.

"Exactly. I won't be ready for anything big. I was in AVID, but now I'm in ASB and I have to stay after school today.. I was planning to ask Ms.Sarah to go to lunch with me today since she's free later. But now I can't.."

He hummed quietly, flicking the bobble head on his desk. "Tell you what, you can go right now, and I'll give you the notes next week."

Luz perked up. "Really?"

"Yeah, you have to plan a field trip for us next week don't you?"

Luz nodded, picking up her bag. "Thank you so very much Mr.Smith. Have a great weekend if I do not see you later." She bowed, rushing out of class.

She went to ASB, opening the door and going in. She slowly closed it behind herself, going over to her assigned seat. "Mrs.Willis? Where are you located?"

"Here here! I'm in here! Thank heavens you're here! Help me! I'm stuck in the floatie!" She exclaimed, her arse in the hole of the donut floatie.

Luz quickly went over, tugging at the floatie. She opened the air tab, the air slowly leaving and deflating the floatie. It made a farting noise, both of them laughing. "What happened? How did you get stuck there?"

"I was just cleaning out, I'm so glad you're here. We have that field trip to plan, pick somewhere educational and fun yeah? Papers on my desk."

Luz went over, examining the paper. "The floral teacher is coming up on her four (4) year anniversary correct? Wouldn't it be nice to go to a botanical garden?"

"Ooh that's a good idea. Let's give them a call then. What's the number?"


"Yep! 5 days from now. Mhm! Okay! Thank you! See you then! Bye!" Luz hung up, giving Mrs.Willis a thumbs up.

"Right, what were the requirements for the permission slips?"

Luz handed her the paper she took notes on, Mrs.Willis examining it. "Oh okay. This seems easy! Alright I'll get a paper down and copy it, hand these out too please?" Mrs.Willis said, handing Luz some wristbands.

"What are these for?"

"The assembly today remember? The names you'll be calling out and their class are on the paper. If they get a band, they're allowed to go to the assembly. Meaning they got an award."

Luz nodded, taking the clip on bands and the sheets. She left the class, reading the first one on the list. She headed to her 3rd period class, opening the door and heading inside. "Mark Corduroy?"

"Oh! Here!" He exclaimed, raising his hand.

Luz went over, letting him pick the color he wanted before putting it on him. "The assemblies during 3rd period okay? You'll be excused from the work and class, good work." Luz smiled, patting his head then leaving.

She then went to Drama class, looking for a pair of twins with blonde hair. "Edric and Emira Blight..?"

"Here!" They shouted in unison.

Luz went over, offering any color of their choice. Both got light blue. "The assemblies during 3rd period, you'll be excused for classwork. Good work you two." Luz smiled sweetly, leaving the class once more.

This was going to take awhile.

To be continued.

Weirdos stick together. [Lumity Fanfiction AU]Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin