Other mascot. [52 part 2]

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'Pledge of what now?' Luz looked around at the students, putting her right hand over her heart. 'Does this make me a full human?'

The principal pulled off his hat, the students behind her also doing the same if they had a hat, "Ready? Begin. I pledge allegiance-"

*You can skip this part

"To the flag, of the United States of America. And to the republic, for which it stands, one nation, under god, and indivisible, with liberty and justice, for all."

*Okay come back now

The viewers sat down, multiple people putting their hats back on, the flag being put down and away. The lions came to the field, Noah waving at the crowd with his helmet under his arm. Luz went to the stairs, going down them and going to where Skara sat.

The band students came back, Luz asking a few questions then going to where she met the other mascot. They were there without their mask, taking a drink, "Hey Lion, excited for the game?" He asked.

Luz shrugged, "Don't know how to play. Asked my friend, she didn't know either."

He ohed, "Yeah, this games quite confusing. See number eighteen?" He asked, signaling to the short yet tuff male.

Luz nodded, "Yeah I see him."

"He's our thrower."

"What does he do?"

"They hand him the ball, and throw him to get a touchdown. Hence, thrower."

Luz ohed, "I thought he threw the ball or something. He is the ball."

The mascot nudged her, "Exactly. Are you the type to go for football players?" He asked.

Luz took off her mask, then shook her head, "Right now I'm not sure! I like alot of people right now but none of them play sports. Actually, does cheerleading count?"

He shrugged, "If it's competitive then yeah, but if it's not, then no." He looked around, nodding his head to the girls. "Which one of them you thinking 'bout?"

Luz looked over, "Well, I'm kind of considering two, but the other is just a no, because she's straight." Luz pointed to a cheerleader. "That green haired girl is Amelia, she tried kissing me once but she's cool now. The other is doing band right now but she's crushing on my other friend."

He hummed, "Which one are you thinking about?"

Luz smiled slightly, her ears relaxing, "Amity."

"That model chick?"

Luz nodded, "She's a great person when you get to know her, she tells really funny jokes if you're kinda sad, she really cares about you, she gives great hugs- I like her hugs, they make me feel safe."

He scoffed, "Thinking about or falling in love?"

Luz jumped, "What? No- That'll never happen! She's going out with Noah Creed anyways so I can't just-"

He inturrupted, "Woah woah woah! Noah Creed? Number two?" He cleared.

*That's Noah's number also I, on purpose, made him that number. If you know you know

Luz nodded, "Yeah, Noah Creed..He's a quarterback.."

He shook his head violently, "Not him. No one should date him. He dated my sister, he's a player."

Luz looked over at Noah, then back at the mascot, "Yeah he's playing right now-"

"Wow you are innocent!" He laughed in a panic. "A player, relationship wise, is a partner who gives off fake romantic feelings, and does the same with others during the same time!"

Luz processed that, "Does that mean he's cheating on Amity!?" The witch panicked.

"Uh- Probably!?"

"W-What do I do!? She's like- Head over heels for this guy! She won't believe me!"

The mascot shook Luz, "Well figure it out before she gets hurt!"

Luz looked back, "She seems fine-"

"Oh my god you really are innocent..I don't think I should be telling you this stuff- Just ignore what I said for now alright? If you see Noah with another girl, and if they're kissing, take a picture or call Amity to tell her-"

A whistle blew, feedback coming from a microphone, "Good evening Lions and Panthers! Lovely fight we're having eh?" They laughed. "Jokes aside for now, but during the game, support the small food businesses that are by the entrance! Those tamales smell amazing! Haha, alright alright, no more time to waste. Ref, if you don't mind, flip the coin."

A man stepped in to the field, the team captain from either side coming forward. Noah, and a girl, on the other side. "Women can play this game?-" Luz questioned.

The mascot nodded, "For sure yeah. She's my cousin, also Noah's ex. She's better at this game then him, so I have faith we'll win." He paused. "I mean good luck to you guys too-"

Luz shook her head, "No no, I kinda hope you guys win, if a girl became the team captain, she's bound to be better then the boys, even our team-" Luz flinched when a paper was dropped on her head, the witch looking up.

She gasped, dropped her mask, and pulled herself up the wall, "Hey Luzura."

"Joey!" The witch smiled. "You came! I thought you'd forget!"

He shook his head, "Never about you Luz." They smiled, ruffling her already messy hair. "Are you the new mascot?"

Luz nodded, Joey kissing her forehead as the witch adjusted on the railing, "I guess so! Have you seen Spencer? He said he'd come."

Joey glanced back, Viney coming over with a fox, "Vines here told me who that was, he was giving kisses to some guy under the bleachers." Joey teased.

A duo came over, both holding hands, and both nervous. "Hey Spencer!" Luz waved. "Hey Alex! Were you two sharing Kisses?" Luz asked, thinking it was the candy.

Alex flinched, looking away as his face heated up, Spencer pulling his hand back and burrying his face in his palms. "Uhm- W-Well-" Alex laughed nervously, feeling his shirt collar. "Sure.."

"Kill me now.." Spencer muttered.

Luz, now confused, tilted her head to the side, "Were the candies that bad?"


Halftime. Teams switched sides, and the ref decided to make a break. Ten minutes. Luz had made snacks earlier and had sat with Amity to eat them, Amelia, Skara, Viney, the fox, and Joey joining them. "So how do we win?" Luz asked, taking one of the candies.

Amity took a drink of her water before speaking, "We just have to get the ball through the uprights to win or make the ball to that white like on the opposite side."

Luz ohed, "This a weird game. Grudgby is far easier." Viney chimed in.

The fox yipped, their tail wagging slowly, "Actually this is, Viney. There's no tentacle to drag us down, no flaming balls, no magic is needed, and we have a higher chance of not dying!" Luz smiled. "Easier."

Viney shrugged, "Eh. Jerbo will say otherwise."

"Eileen would not, at least she won't get hit on her eye." Luz sighed. "I hope she's okay- The game was like a week before you came, was she okay?"

Viney shuddered, "None of us will forget the distressed squeals.."


"Game ended there, it was a tie."

Viney and Luz glanced at eachother, "Bullseye." They said in unison.

Poor Eileen..

To be continued.

Stay up episode! People are trying to read this!

Weirdos stick together. [Lumity Fanfiction AU]حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن